Shopping results -.-;;;;;

Feb 07, 2009 14:20

As promised, here is where my money went to. And this is really just what I bought for myself. The goods of others (which I still have with me) are NOT included.

Let's start with the random goods:

3 CDs (Diana Ross, Mr. Children and SAS) / Phone with straps from Hakone, "Ave Maritare!" play, tsugi no hi kerori and the soy frog heart from  digitalian024

Lots of stuff from Happy Bath Day (and that is NOT everything they sell...) Why, oh why, do I like roses that much? / Buttons from "Ayakashi" play

The sweater from "Ave Maritare!" play / a few tights / stationary, star shaped pan, bowl

Next up... Takki goods. Won't bother to explain. Lots of old and new goods.
See? Pics all over the place! And I'm tempted to say that "No, of course I did NOT buy that many!" They must have been spawning like mad, once they were in the hotel. Really!

Omiyage (and there are still about 6-7 boxes on their way to Germany). We'll eat them according to expiration date ^^;;
Technically, the pineapple candy should be listed as "Takki goods", and the "Hello Kitty" bowl as "random other stuff".
And the candy on the left are from junklover ^_^

Last, but not least, goods from other plays (and even though it looks like that... the Yamapi pics were NOT on sale at the "Call" play ^_~ )
Oh, and just what am I going to do with the Gomoto Naoya photoset....?


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