Day 5 (I think) - Kamakura + Takki again

Jan 26, 2009 17:35

After the comment from lovespiral yesterday, I got up this morning at 6 to catch the Tsubasa con reports in the morning TV - and I did. It just required lots of channel switching, but I think I saw at least three reports ^^

Left the hotel at about 10 AM and first went to the ATM ^^;;
I was in Kamakura maybe half past 11 and did a bit of sight-seeing there (the temples I had not seen about two years ago) and from there five minutes by train to Hase to a restaurant junklover had suggested (it belongs to her friend's parents).
SOOOOOO delicious - I had the Katsudon set + orange juice and only remembered a few minutes into the lunch that I wanted to take a picture ^^;;;

After that I visited the temple right around the corner and rendered the German proverb of "You should rest after a meal or take a thousand steps" into "You should rest after a meal or CLIMB a hill" _._ It was just a small hill though, nevertheless there was CLIMBING involved. After that some "crawling" through a cave ^^;; (average height there maybe 1,40 m - I almost felt like in the tank ^^;;)

I don't really want to comment that now, just enjoy it ^_~ (lazy butt here -.-)

Way back from Hase -> Kamakura -> Ueno (I THOUGHT)
I took the same line as I took to Kamakura, so trust me, I was REALLY surprised when they suddenly said "Next stop, Shibuya" WTF? That's on the other side of the town! (For those not familiar with Tokyo, I came from the south and should have ended up on the top right side, because that's where I came from. But somehow the line took another way on the way back, so I was on the left side of the town suddenly -.-;;;)

Actually it was good that I ended up in Shibuya, because I went to Mandarake and found the panfu for aiharu and the DHC products for digitalian024.
With the panfu in the bag and about 1.5 hours to the play, I thought it was better to go directly to the theatre and find some coin locker there, instead of dropping it at the hotel, rushing to the theatre and risk being late...

While wandering to the coin locker, I saw all the girls standing and waiting there for irimachi - when I came back of course irimachi was over already ;_; (= no Takki for me before the play)

Okay, first up you'll get the poster in front of the theatre ^____^

Haaaaa... *swoons* (You should have seen me when I went through the panfu - dying VERY happily there ^^;;;)

On the left side sat two girls that made me feel not that much overweight. One of them should learn though how to use tissues -.-;;; Making awful noises is not very considerate either. On the other side was Mrs!Binoculars. She was really watching the WHOLE play through them _._ She hardly even clapped -.-
I'm getting better at "Yume Monogatari" - still far away from good. Need someone to teach me -.-;;; Esp. some parts in-between. I basically learned them during concerts _._
Some time during the first act I decided that Takki is MUCH cuter than Hello Kitty ^^;;; and I wanted to hug him _._ Just for the sake of it ^^;;; (and yes, that IS random)

Then, I want a CD from this play, or at least a somewhat faster release of the DVD, because there are two songs that I just LOVE and they won't show up anywere else ;_;

After the play I decided to skip demachi for today, but went to Big Camera and am now the proud owner of yet another card reader ^^;;;

stage plays, タッキー&翼, japan

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