Today I...

Dec 29, 2008 17:41

1) Got up at 7 AM in the morning (mind, I'm having holidays right now)
2) Bought a shiny new stationary bike (Deutsch: Hometrainer) a few minutes past 8 AM (they were on sale in a supermarket and you never know how many people want to get one as well...)
3) Received the letter with my tickets from festivewind. THANK YOU SO, SO MUCH!!! m(_ _)m (sponsored by my parents and vc_mel *.* )
4) Spent some quality time with paddyabroad and exchanged x-mas gifts. paddyabroad and nfu_nfu got me Takki and frogs ^^
5) Spent too much time in supermarkets, but I think we've got everything for this week. HOPEFULLY.

Those are the tickets I own at the moment.

The Takki poster was wrapped... and wrapped... and wrapped... and wrapped...
Vanny abused almost a whole HUGE German newspaper to wrap it. Layer by layer ^^;;;;;;

And here we have some Keroppi stickers, "Takki the tacker" and the frog slat (we don't have an explanation why the mouth is like it is... some kind of a rather not so smart idea the producer had there... ^^;;; )

Close-up of Takki
The tail with the red tip is really funny, because it wriggles as soon as you touch it ^^;;;

friends, japan, daily life

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