永遠色の恋 is a really nice song...

Nov 19, 2008 21:48

... while MOLA rather isn't *sigh* Yamapi, why??? And WHY did no-one check the lyrics? _._
In other words: I've received "color" today.

Going to listen to it a bit more often now ^_~


Yesterday I've FINALLY found the skirt I was looking for, well, almost. I was looking for a completely black, pleated skirt. Seems as if this is not available here ^^;;;

It looks brighter in the picture than it actually is (and even though it looks like a mini-skirt it's knee-lenght for me -.-;;; Ends mid-knee cap _._ )

Along with it came tights. Still don't know how they'll look once I'm wearing them ^^;;;

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