Sept 22nd 2008 - Utrecht

Sep 26, 2008 21:48

In order not to overload you with information (as if... I just want to spam you with more than one post _._ ) I won't put all of our holidays in one post.

We left from ina's place on Monday morning and arrived in Utrecht somewhen around noon. Lots of "OMG, are they all crazy here??? Uhm... the crazy driver here is me, isn't it?" and a while later we found a parking garage at the other end of the central station. Basically we just needed to walk through some kind of mall from there and were in the city centre *.*

So, where to go to?
We checked our guide and settled for the Cathedral of Saint Martin.

The tower we could see basically from everywhere.

Only inside the church we learned that the place in front of the church, where trees where growing happily and a small street led through - was once part of the church; until that part collapsed.
So... uhm... we were kind of 400 years too late to see the church in it's full size ^^;;;;
This is the view from the tower to the small square in front of what is left from the church.

And just for the sake of it, the church from the side.

Then we walked through the city and the Museumkwartier. Lots and lots of water and surprising sights. Many houses were built inside? the water. Well, at least there are "grachten" (canals) surrounding them so that the only way to reach those houses is via bridges (or boat, entrance on the basement level).
In the following picture you can see how lovely the basement level can look like. Usually there was nothing though. The level with the bikes is the normal street level.

And uhm.... number of dragon eggs is up to four again. I've got another white one for the time being, not sure if I want to keep it or not. I've got one "Unko no Ouji-sama" already that is male. Saaa... to keep or not to keep. The first egg needs A LOT of help though ;_;


holidays, dragon eggs

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