(no subject)

Jul 22, 2008 21:45

Actually, I should have posted this on Sunday already *ggg*

(guess this should be eye-catching enough ^^ )

Uhm, okay... so I loved the movie A LOT ^^;;;
After I went to see the musical in Osaka two years ago I already loved the musical; loved ABBA songs all my life anyway (thx @mom and dad ^^;;;; )
And now the movie *.*

Uhm... yeah... okay... if you dislike ABBA, don't go and watch it ^^;;;
The people in the row behind us made it even more fun. I think they enjoyed the movie just as much as vc_mel and I did ^^


So... Daiki bought a new comp, Windows this time around. I wonder if he'll have to deal with Vista now (poor guy if that should be true).
And oh so cute that he asked his aniki for help. Really, leader would be lost with aniki *ggg*

Then... the present Tuti got from China is really, really cute *.*

Ah, did anyone check the blog of Ray yesterday and today?
I'm missing all the pics of DUSTZ he had posted + his comments about the members, which were there yesterday - but somehow disappeared. He said something about "Prince Naoki"? o.O I should have translated it on the spot. Now everything is gone and I'm -.-
dragon_soda, are you still free on September 5th? I'd like to recommand DUSTZ live concert (probably 30 min?) to you ^_~
They have a very sexy lead singer (who obviously can understand English quite fine) and an ex-JE drummer ^^;;;;

dustz, 藤田玲, movies, *pnish*

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