Letter meme

Jun 18, 2008 22:20

vc_mel and I did a letter meme just now.

1) Write the letters of the alphabet on 26 small slips.
2) Put those slips into a box (or just something to draw them from).
3) Draw the slips one by one (just to make it a bit more random).
4) Write down the first word that comes to your mind (that is not the letter itself).

First I filled in the German version, then the English one.

Letter  English Deutsch A Avalanche Anastasia B Bureau Bär C Ceasar Chamäleon D Dream Dachs E Elephant Elefant F Frog Flasche G Green Gans H House Hammer I Interview Instrument J Jeopardy (the gameshow _._) Jürgen (mein Onkel) K Kiss Korea L Love Landau M Mad Mechelmörder N Northern Nordpol O Oricon Ottomane P Pandora Piano Q Queer Quark R Rap Rucksack S Sagittarius Staubsauger T Tackey Tackey U Ukulele Ulme V Victory Verdoppeln W Water Wucht X X-tra Xantippe Y Yonehara Yacht Z Zodiac* Zwickau
* Okay, I actually needed to look into a dictionary, because my mind went BLANK -.- I was like "there are no English words that start with Z" _._

I know that the German version almost reads like I was visiting a zoo, but that's what happened thanks to the random order *ggg*
And I so did not cheat at the letter T ^^;;;;;;;
Don't ask me why Yonehara is there and I highly doubt that "oricon" is even an English word -.-;;

Und WTF? @Meuchelmörder ^^;;;;;;;;;; Ein einfacher "Mörder" reichte mir wohl nicht ^^;;;


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