Apr 25, 2008 07:39
Tackey & Tsubasa's new single release date is set: June 6th.
I just KNEW that it'd be the same day as KAT-TUN's new album. Now... do I proceed as planned - once CDJapan finds out about it - and have those singles shipped to work or to my place??? One shipment goes home, the other here?
Jacket A, B and C - as expected as well...
Two songs (Koi uta and Progress) on each version + extras.
Extras are ehm... confusing?
Jacket A (incl. DVD with PV)
恋詩-コイウタ オリジナル恋文 <-- original love letter?
Jacket B (incl. DVD with PV)
恋詩-コイウタ オリジナル譜面 <-- original music? (HELP?????)
Jacket C
1. ボーナストラックにタッキー&翼出演CM曲「GLORY DAYS」を収録!!
2. ボーナストラックにタキツバ BEST TOURで披露した話題曲「約束-Last-」を収録!!
3. 「恋詩-コイウタ-」「PROGRESS」両曲のカラオケを収録!!
(at least the extras for Jacket C are no problem)