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Mar 28, 2008 10:22

Arrived dead tired and with my ears hurting LIKE HELL yesterday evening ^^;; (In fact I was close to deaf for hours after the landing here in Bremen.)
But I'm alright right now ^^

One of the parcels to myself (the one with the omiyage) is at the custom right now. Now let's see how they deal with that... _._
I suppose I can pick it up... next Tuesday? Wednesday? here in Bremen.

Ah, I've got some (7 in fact) left-over Yoshitsune-pins, because I wanted to have a certain one - and I didn't stop until I got that _._
Anyone intested in any of them? Picture will come... in time...

I would just ask for the shipping costs ^^;;;
Or if you still have stuff to get shipped to you, I'd include them for free. Just looking for a new home for them.


Got up at 6 AM to do a very short hanami in Ueno.
I was back home by 8:10 AM and with a few more pictures in store *.* And the smell ^________^ REALLY nice.

Checked out about 9 AM and walked over to the train station.
In the train there was a Japanese women (maybe 35?) sitting next to me from Tokyo onwards. About 10 minutes before we arrived in Narita she suddenly handed my candy out of the blue o.O
I talked to her a bit, explained why I was there. She was on her way to Taiwan for work. (Now is that cool or what? I'm already *.* if they let me travel those 2:10 h by train to a client here in Germany...) We exchanged mail addresses and then she said my prounouciation was good (as if ^_~ but I'm always glad if Japanese people understand me ^^;;;

On the airport in France there were two girls (under 20) sitting across from me and waiting for their connecting flight. Between them they had a white bag written with "Our soul will last through all eternity" on it. (Yes, they had THAT bag from Dream Boys)
After thinking about it for a few minutes, I finally gathered the courage and talked to them. They were from Spain and had already seen me and my Tackey & Tsubasa bag before in the airport too ^^;;;
Exchanged mail address as well and took a picture together.


Oh, yes... and waking up to this  *cries a bit for not being able to see it live*

Yet another *pnish* play with Mizuki (They should just make him the fifth member ^_~ )

Anyone willing to bet that KAT-TUN will have their tour in the same time frame?
katsu, your are there mid-June, ne? (Please, please, say "YES" now).

merchandise, *pnish*, japan

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