I had better days....

Mar 25, 2008 15:53

The day started out not that bad.
I shipped stuff to aiharu, toshi_hakari and myself (omiyage).

aiharu, your lucky number is EI817781988JP.
toshi_hakari, they shipped the parcel as printed matter, even though it was over 2 kg. So it worked just as planned ^^

Then I went to Tokyu Hands and got the towel for neitoperhonen and a poster tube for myself.
Left the stuff at the hotel and went to see DB. According to my plan from the day before I should have left the hotel latest by 11:30. It was only 11:00 when I left ^_^

I got about 100 metres from the hotel when I remembered that I needed my map to find the Tsutaya book store. Went back, searched through my folder, but the map didn't show up -.-

So I went to the train station anyways and boarded. Just that the subway... didn't leave the station.
All I got was "We are deeply sorry if this causes problems with your work bla bla". Took about ten minutes until we finally started.

While being on the train I noticed that I had forgotten my mp3-player -.-;;; So no recording of this year's DB. Gomen ;_; (All this thinking about how to ship the department store I call my room right now stresses my beyond belief since Sunday.)

At Yurakucho station I took the normal exit (D1) and in front of the exit where quite a few girls waiting for irimachi. I arrived about 11:50 and they were still waiting there? Does that mean the guys really take their time to show up there? I always thought the actors would be there at least two hours in advance o.O

Dream Boys
I helped myself to some "lunch" at McDonalds and then went into the theatre and bought the pictures requested from vc_mel and ina.
As my seat was 2nd floor, row F, seat 1 I had a nice view of the "orchestra pit" and the action going on there ^^;;;
Then I wanted to write some mail with my phone and... had forgotten to charge it -.-;;

At the beginning of the play, where the guys are raised/lowered, Koki was quite close to my seat and he looked... sad. Not really there, compared to Friday, where he was smiling so brightly. Wonder what happened.
Kame was on some "Micky Mouse" trip today. Well... I can only guess here, because I never heard Micky Mouse speaking in Japanese, but I'd imagine him to sound like that ^^;;;
The ad-lib scene in pimp-heaven: Again Catherine and Tom and Kame and Koki heaving a laughing fit.

Iriguchi, deguchi, Senga desu was there again, too. And Kame and Senga? doing this stupid dance with the hands on the side (which somehow I connect with tsukkomi).

It's quite interesting how many things you notice if you see a play more than once or twice. "Oh, in that scene are chibi-juniors on stage? And in that scene too? Oh, I never noticed this equipment before." and so on ^^;;;

As mentioned before, I had forgotten to pack my mp3-player, but maybe it's a good thing. I was surrounded by people coughing more often than not, and did participate too. Guess I caught a slight cold yesterday. My throat hurts quite some. And my knees where giving my problems throughout the play too.

Intermission of today
After DB I headed towards the Tsutaya, hoping I would find the Kurosagi phonestrap for nfu_nfu's friend there, as I couldn't get that in the cinema anymore. But it seems they only sell them online -.-

From there to Kinokuniya. vc_mel, they had two out of the three books still missing. The last one is the one with the blueish cover.

After being only half-way successful, I searched for some store to sell crepe in Shinjuku. Well, around the area of the theatre. Usually you find those stores at every corner. And when I want to have one, there isn't any -.-;;; Bought Fanta Grape at the vending machine for dinner -.-;;;

Rock Musical Bleach
Much less organised that JE? ^^;;; But I got the photo sets for myself and for katsu.
Even though I set row 22, seat 70, it wasn't such a bad seat. And I got to see Isaka Tatsuya ^_____^ (and noticed that I ship Ichigo x Rukia for the musical and Renji x Rukia for the anime/manga).
All the important scenes where there and they can make it work without Ishida, Orihime and Chad ^^;;;

My throat continued causing me to cough every now and then and my knees REALLY tried to kill me ;_;

Final notes
Went home, caught the second half of the "Proposal Daisakusen" special. Cried at the end and want to rewatch the series.

Additional notes:
Commuter pass from Hibarigaoka to Shibuya with transfer in Ikebukuro, using the Seibu line and Yamanote line: 14.880 yen for one month.

musicals, japan

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