I am a Hero - net movie

Aug 24, 2007 22:31

Daiki said "是非是非見てみて下さい", so I went and watched it ^^;;;; (http://iamahero.jp/)

My thoughts?
I think he can play the villians/heros with issues quite well ^_^
I'm very well able to ignore the spandex outfit he was wearing - just I can try to forgot the "chicken senshi" song ^^;;;;;;;;;

The only annoying thing was that the stream took a while to load, then player for maybe thirty seconds, loaded again etc. If you are watching something that has a total length of 36 min, this is... well... annoying.
I'm very open to suggestions on how to d/l the whole thing to watch it again and understand more of the content, because I can watch it in one go.


Happy Birthday _miyuchan_ *hugs* (It is still the 24th over here ^^;;; )
I hope you had a nice dinner today ^_^ Wish you all the best and that maybe your summer gets ever better than it was already. And best of luck with your project for the next year!


Oh, and if Crescent Shop doesn't manage to fuck up the whole thing, Jennifer and I got tickets for Dream Boys ^_^

internet, movies, birthdays, *pnish*

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