At work today...

Feb 07, 2007 13:28

... I'm basically running to and fro between my actual work station and the new + old PC.

First copying all the files to the network, the setting up the new PC again and now I'm installing a bit, but first I'll copy all files from the network on the new comp. Which will take about 1 1/2 hours. Well, there are 40 GB which want to by transferred ^^;;;
I'm just glad I can use the network and don't have to transfer all the files via a lousy USB cable. THAT would probably take longer than I even want to think about.

Stupid: I can't use my old DVD burner because it's not compatible with the new comp. No-one of us knew about that before. Saaaaa...

Sidenote: Will probably write down "3 hours break" today on my schedule for doing all this private stuff. Good, that both of my bosses are off today *g*


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