My dad's reaction to my hobby

Jan 28, 2007 20:00

It's Sunday and as usual, my dad just called me ^_^
Easy way for me to figure out the day because he calls every Sunday.

Anyway, we spoke about a few different topics, among them, of course, what I did today.
So I mention that I'm quite busy with writing my story (and translating another one) and he was like "Ah... yeah...." absolutely not interested *sigh*
I don't think he knows it's yaoi, but maybe he knows and that's why he is reacting like that but it makes me a bit sad. Of course I can't expect everybody to be interested in writing fiction but this indifference from my own dad? Ah well... can't help that, ne?

And giving my dad this stories to read is... er... yes. My mother might read it, but my dad definitely would put it aside as soon as he realises where the plot is heading.

fanfiction, family, daily life

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