
Nov 27, 2006 17:24

This is the summary for “Wonderbox” from *pnish*.
I’ve seen this play three times and most of my notes I made after watching it for the last time. There were two scenes that were altered with every show, so don’t wonder if I mention something like “the first two times” etc.

WARNING: You all know how bad my Japanese is so I was guessing my way through parts of this play. It’s even possible that every now and then I got something wrong. I’m sorry for this. If you read something different in 2chan or somewhere else, feel free to enlighten me about what really happened there ^^;;;

Sano Mizuki - Shindou Atsushi
Tuti - Randy
Wasshii - Wanizuka Takatora
Eizee - Shinsei Rie
Daiki - Amanai Rin
Yuzawa Koichiro - Spenser
Kitamura Eiki - Won Williams Chanrie
Kawamoto Naru - Ryou

We start off with Rin and Wanizuka entering a cave somewhere in China, where they expect to find a treasure. After looking around for a while, they finally discover a big ancient sword on a kind of altar. They are just about to grab it, when someone shoots at them, thus chasing them away from the sword.
Shindou enters the scene, introducing himself as “Treasure guard”. He grabs the sword and breaks it into two parts while doing so. The two treasure hunters look at him disbelieving that a treasure guard has just destroyed a treasure. Shindou places the lower part of the sword into Rin’s hand, takes out his keitai and asks for a picture. Rin is grinning quite stupid while the pic is taken. After that Shindou sends an e-mail, pronouncing every syllable, while he enters the message, which reads “He has broken it!” He sighs heavily and then sends it off. Wanizuka tries to catch the e-mail after it was send = he tries to catch something out of the air that is not possible to catch or even be seen ^^;;
Rin and Wanizuka still can’t believe what is going on and escape from the cave, taking the lower part of the sword with them.
Ryou enters the cave, bringing with him some food. He is working for Shindou and responsible to equip him with ammo and takes care of the food etc. He sees what is left of the treasure, asks what it is. Shindou tells him that this is the treasure and that the others have broken it. Ryou is looking like the other two (= disbelieving) before at the broken treasure. Together they leave the cave.

We get to see the opening with the role names (in romaji and kanji) and the actors name. Next to the name there is always the shadow of the character being shown. And even without reading the actors name you can figure out who is who, especially Tuti.

The setting now is a market place in China. Ryou and Shindou are sitting around thinking about possibilities to earn money which they need to return to Japan, as they are currently broke.
(I think) Shindou says it’s actually not that bad here, because his idol is here “Leifan-chan”. He is very proud of the pendent which he has of her and which he wears on a necklace all the time, when heated the pendant says “Makenaide” (= don’t lose) in her voice. Ryou doesn’t want to hear about her, shouts at him that back home they have Ueto Aya and he should be happy with her plus that it’s quite childish to be such a big fan of an idol at his age.
Shindou suggests “baito” to earn some money, later on comes the suggestion to dance. Shindou is quite unsure about it.
At the same moment three guys dressed in black with black hats start to dance behind Shindou. He joins in and they deliver a nice performance. When they are finished Shindou looks at the audience happily like he did a very good job.

Won Williams enters the stage. He addresses Shindou and Ryou as treasure guards, nearly freaking the two of them out. They want to know how he knows about them and who he is. After finding out that he isn’t a treasure hunter they calm down again. He suggests that they work for him, thus getting the money they need. He wants them to find something that he has been looking for all his life. He is after the second half of a plate where he already has the first half of himself.

While Won is talking to our Treasure guards Randy tries his best to stealth to them. His moves are anything but ninja-like. It looks rather like a five year old kid trying to move like a ninja. He introduces himself as “Ni ni ninja.” His name is Randy. Ryou wants to know whether this is his real name, because he is Japanese. Of course it isn’t but he isn’t an idiot that’s why he is using code name.
Won suggests further that Shindou, Ryou and Randy work together. Shindou and especially Ryou are hesitating, because to them Randy is just an idiot but finally they give in. Won is placing the hand of Ryou into Randy’s hand to seal the deal.
Won gives the first half of the plate to Shindou and leaves the stage together with the guys in black.

After the three of them are left alone Shindou puts the plate on his necklace where he is already wearing the pendent of  “Leifan-chan”.
Randy decides that the other two need codenames too because they are now working together. He decides straight away that Shindou’s code name will be “Midorikage” (= Green shadow) and states too that “ki”, “ao” and “aka” are already given away (because they worked for him in “Treasure Box”).
When Ryou asks what his name will be, he gets told that he is “umisomidorinokage” (= light green - I think…). He is not happy at all with his codename, and even more unhappy when he has to perform something in connection with his name (once it was a taifun, the other time America). While they are discussing the whole name issue Shindou sits down behind Randy and massages his shoulders.

Randy knows that Rin has the other half of the plate so they will go after him. While they still talk about it, we hear someone sing “Spenser, Spenser” in a high-pitched voice. Spenser enters the stage singing about himself. He is a mixture between Takarazuka and Sephiroth (as Katsu put it). Long white-blond hair, an armour protecting his torso, white shiny skin-tight leather trousers directly from the 1970s, silver plateau shoes and a silver cape.
He scares the hell out of the three of them. He is after the plate too and asks them to hand over the half they got from Won. Of course they are not willing to give him the plate. A little fight engages. Ryou shoots at Spenser but accidentally hits Shindou in the process. Shindou doesn’t really get hurt but is annoyed that his own co-worker hit him.
They want to escape but Spenser is in the way of the escape route. Shindou dodges him and escapes. Ryou tries the same but first has no chance, then he starts to play imaginary basketball, dribbling left and right. Spenser joins the game, trying to protect his basket. Ryou throws the ball into the basket (and probably scores), Spenser goes after the ball, thus leaving an opening which Ryou uses to escape.
The only one left is Randy who has no other chance but to hide - behind a bigger tissue (50 x 50 cm) with small  red and pink flowers on it. He is standing at the wall, holding the tissue in front of his face and not moving a all. (Probably thinking: “If I can’t see him, he can’t see me either.”) Spenser looks at him for a while, his face clearly states that he can’t believe the stupidity of this act. He goes after Shindou and Ryou and leaves Randy standing there.

Rin and Wanizuka enter the scene and find Randy “hiding” there. He is more than happy to see the two again, hugging them and all. They are a bit less happy and want him to stop the hugging and just leave them be. As he doesn’t they flee from him.

Rie is training together with his students. After the training session is finished he sits down and tells them that he will retire because he can’t teach them anything anymore. The students don’t want to hear about it and encourage him to continue training them.
He gets some tea served while one of the students tells him that Won is after the plate.

Shindou is still escaping from Spenser and his route takes him along Rie’s dojo. He helps himself to a cup of tea, making the students angry by this because it was their master’s tea. Rie asks for his name and he introduces himself as “Midorikage”. Rie remembers that he has heard similar names before and asks where he got that name. Shindou starts describing his taichou as “kira, kira” and stupid. Rie looks as if he is now quite sure who the taichou of Shindou is.
Rie is introduced by his students as Treasure hunter, class A.
Ryou reaches the dojo too and together he and Shindou continue escaping.

Rin and Wanizuka, while fleeing from Randy, reach Rin’s dojo. They are quite surprised to meet Rie but are happy to do so. Rie tells them that he has heard Won is after the plate, so they better take care (I think…)
Soon after Randy arrives there too. He tells them to hand over the plate and as Rin isn’t willing to do so, they engage all in a fight. It’s basically Randy and Rie on one side, while Rin and Wanizuka are on the other side. (Rie is probably after the plate so that Won won’t get it. That’s why he is fighting too.)
Wanizuka is trying a special move, that looks like “Kame-hame-ha” but is hit on his head before he can finish it. Rin is now on his own and when Randy holds a sword to his throat he gives in and hands over the plate.
Randy gets away from the dojo, waving at everybody there and leaves with an “isshou bai bai”.
The students want to chase Randy and leave the stage too. Rie and Rin have an short exchange of words, in the end Rie goes after Randy too, because it’s too dangerous if the plate gets into Won’s hands.
Rin wakes up Wanizuka again, who instantly wants to continue fighting but has to find out that everybody has left already.

Shindou enters the stage from the side and mutters some words. Only right now he is not in his role but there as Sano Mizuki. He complains that *pnish* wanted him for this play and promised him fun but right now he’s quite exhausted and just wants to rest.
He sits down but at this very moment Randy finds him there and shows him the plate.
Rie’s students find them too and Randy’s only idea to escape is a “car chase”. As there aren’t any cars around they settle for bikes instead.
Shindou sits down on the carrier of Randy’s bike. The three students use two bikes (so on one bike there are two people as well) and the students chase Randy and Shindou around on stage. As there is some scenery left on stage and the stage isn’t that big it’s quite difficult to drive around there but there are doing a very good job. In the end Randy and Shindou manage to escape.

Won and his three helpers (the guys dressed in black) enter the stage, performing a little dance.
Randy and Shindou reach him, hand over the plate. Shindou gives him his necklace on which he has the other part of the plate and the pendent of his idol. Won puts the two parts together and suddenly it gets dark. The yin-yang sign is displayed at a wall and a lot of Chinese kanji show up. Randy asks Shindou whether he can read it as his own Chinese is quite limited.
After reading/translating the message into Japanese Won says that he will need Rie to continue with his plan.
At this moment a hole in the stage floor opens and Spenser shows up from there. (If you are familiar with Seramyu this is the very hole where the villains came from.) He suggests to Won that from now on they should work together.

Rin and Wanizuka enter the stage. Spenser immediately recognises Rin as they both work for Briant Inc. and Spenser is Rin’s senpai there. Wanizuka is introduced as a fellow treasure hunter, but his name is not mentioned.
Won leaves the stage, taking his helpers with him and leaves the rest to Spenser.
Spenser then forces Rin to make a decision. As he is the senpai he would leave them be for the moment if Rin goes with him. Wanizuka attacks Spenser and gets knocked out again.
Rin really doesn’t know what do to and looks in all directions for help but at the end goes with Spenser to protect his friends.
When Wanizuka wakes up again he is told by Shindou what happened.

(Here are the scenes where I’m not sure in which order and when they happened, just around somewhere in the middle.)
1) Shindou and Randy meet Spenser and Rin again. (The following scene is full of assumptions as I didn’t really understand much, but it was very funny.)
Randy is to amuse Spenser to buy them some time. I can’t remember the first two times but the last time we saw the play, Randy did No-Face from “Sen to Chihiro”.
Shindou starts naming all the persons he knows from a certain series (?)
Then it’s Rin’s term. Two times he was only humming something that I couldn’t figure out, on the last day he gave his best to not hit a single note and sang “Say yes” but only a few lines.
Spenser watches all this and while Rin still enjoys the applause Spenser says to Shindou that he will leave now and asks him to give his best regards to Rin.

2) Rin is quite down and doesn’t know what to do. Shindou gives him some encouring speech about protecting what is important etc. (Yes, this was such a wonderful big brother, little brother scene ^_^)

3) Wanizuka, Shindou & some others characters (can’t remember them for the life of me) decide to save Rie from Won. Ryou doesn’t want to join them. Shindou is basically in for it because Won has the pendant of “Leifan-chan” which he really wants to have back. (Little reminder: The pendant was on the same necklace as the first half of the plate.)
The go off on their mission, leaving Ryou behind.

(And here we are back on track.)

Won reaches Rie’s dojo and tries to convince him to work together. When Rie isn’t interested at all Won’s helpers come in with the three students they have taken as hostages. He threatens to kill them if Rie doesn’t comply. The students shout at him that they don’t care what happens to them but Rie shall not give in. As Rie really cares for his students he has no other chance but to give in and do what Won wants him to do.
Together they walk to a cave somewhere but they can’t enter it. Rie’s arm starts to hurt and when Won pulls up the sleeve on Rie’s shirt there is a huge tattoo.

At this very moment the people on the Rie-rescue-mission have reached the cave to. Rin and Shindou enter the theatre from the right (at audience level), Randy and Wanizuka enter the stage from the left. Shindou jumps on the stage and starts fighting. Rin just shoots from where he is standing (right next to the audience).
In this short battle starts they can free Rie and he gets back his sword. They are all separated in little groups and different fights start all around the cave. (Always only one fight on stage.)
Randy, Rie and Wanizuka fight against the guys in black. Randy gives his all, while Wanizuka isn’t that helpful. Won comes to help the guys in black and can “resurrect” them with the plate if they have no strength anymore. They rise again with full energy. Randy has almost no strength left, when Wanizuka jumps in to help him and in a jumping (bunny) way leads the guys in black away. Rie helps Randy to get away from the scene.

Rin and Shindou are hiding behind a corner. They are chased by Spenser. Shindou shoots at him but Spenser isn’t hit at all due to the active armour he is wearing. Shindou runs out of ammo but at this moment Ryou reaches him and gives him all the weapons and ammo he needs. After shooting at Spenser for dozens of times Spenser finally goes down and is defeated.

Rie and Randy are escaping together. Randy still is very exhausted. He sits on the ground and suddenly rises again, just like the guys in black before when they were “resurrected” by Won. Randy attacks Rie and they start to fight. Rie’s students come to help their master and when Randy recognises them as his students from “Treasure Box” he is reverted to normal, but still quite weak.
Won shows up from the back of the stage, nobody realises that he is there and he cuts Rie’s arm with his own sword and leaves them again.
The students take care of Rie’s injured arm and together they go after Won.

Won has reached the entrance of the cave again. Now he has the blood of Rie and the cave opens. Together with the plate he goes to the altar that is inside the cave.
Suddenly Spenser shows up again, obviously all the ammo of Shindou wasn’t enough to defeat him.
The others reach the altar too. They want to stop Won from reaching it but Spenser is in the way. They engage in a big battle but it’s impossible to defeat Spenser.
Suddenly they hear a voice saying “Makenaide”. Obviously Won has grabbed the plate so hard that it has heated itself and now nothing can stop the pendent from “singing”. First Rin joins in and one by one all the others join in singing too. Spenser gets weakened quite fast by this rather horrible singing and “pink” music. The dance in a circle around Spenser, finally defeating him for real.

Now it’s easy to stop Won from reaching the alter. Shindou enters the altar instead but is almost obsessed from some kind of spirit. He can fight it, because he is a Treasure guard and won’t give in. Finally he can break the plate into two parts again.

Won is completely defeated. He is almost crying, saying that now everything is lost. He can’t return to the company because the cheated the company etc.
Wanizuka tells him off, saying that everything is okay and the he will now call his father. He takes out his cell phone and enters the number. While he is doing so Won asks him whether he is “Wanizuka Takatora-sama”. He nods happily and starts the phone call, while everybody else is staring at him disbelieving.
Wanizuka talks to his dad on the phone, making sure that Won can continue working for their company and will someday get the position as vice president. During the phone call Randy figures out that the “WA” stands for “Wanizuka” and that the not so successful treasure hunter is indeed the heir to this big company.
After the phone call is finished Won says he is sorry to everybody. (Messy notes for this scene -.-)

The scenery is the market place again. Randy enters the stage with a silver trolley (the very same one Tuti had with him when he left the theatre) and two paper bags of omiyage.
Rie and Rin enter the stage, talking with Randy. Apparently Shindou and Ryou have already left for Japan. Rie forces Randy to give away his omiyage and takes one of the bags to give it to two people hiding in a corner under blankets. Turns out that they are Shindou and Ryou.
Wanizuka and Won enter the stage with Won addressing him as “bocchan”. Wanizuka wants Won to stop him calling that but Won has some difficulties to follow this instruction.

Rin has heard of a new treasure he wants to get and they all decide that they will go after it together. In the very last second Spenser enters the stage to, scaring everybody. (Not sure if he wanted to go after the treasure together with all of them.)

The End.

So, as I mentioned repeatedly: Messy notes and bad memory. I finished big parts of this already weeks ago but because I knew there where parts missing I didn’t want to upload it. I couldn’t remember more of it even if I tried to remember it quite some times. I have here about three pages full of notes and I included everything that is written in these notes, but alas it’s not enough. I hope you could follow the play anyway. 
Oh, and I hope too that it didn't came off too biased ^^;;;

What is left to say is that I loved!!! this play.
They had to give the best roles away (= Spenser and Shindou) because they wanted to continue with the characters they had in Treasure Box which is quite sad. But well, they needed something to convince Mizuki-san, ne ^^
Nothing beats Daikicchan singing “Say yes” and all of them dancing in a circle.

I'm very, very, very, very sorry that it took me so long m(_ _)m

Can I say again that I love Mizuki-san? ADORABLE!!! (I know I already said that about ten times in September. I just wanted to remind everybody of how cute he is ^^;;)


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