Johnny's WE - Part II

Nov 12, 2006 22:44

I spent this WE at vc_mel's place.

Watched a few newer and older shows, made stupid comments on everything and nothing and basically I was laughing all the time (and making more stupid comments ^^;;;)

One of the highlights was probably the musical "Endless Shock" with Domoto Koichi and Imai Tsubasa. At one point during the musical they are dancing "against" each other as they are rivals. It's either Koichi or Tsubasa dancing. The person who is not dancing in glancing/starring at the other one like they are very much in love.
The first time Koichi glanced like that at Tsubasa I thought they were just joking... and laughed.
Then Tsubasa did the same. We laughed some more.
They continued like this for maybe one or two minutes. And Mel and I had a laughing fit and nearly fell from the bed.
It's not a Johnny's Musical if it isn't gay?

Dream that night: Nakamaru had joined *pnish* and we talked about orange. Don't ask -.- (And why do I get Maru all the time???)


Ah, and when I returned my comp decided that it doesn't want to work with Bitcomet anymore. I uninstalled it, installed the new version 'n' all but everytime I try to start the program, my comp just reboots -.- I can't even check the settings of the prog as the restart follows in the second I start Bitcomet. I'm working with Azareus now. But it's strange anyway.


In the new "TopStage" there is not a single page about Wonder Box. In "Look as Star" there is one page. Well... it's not a Johnny's musical so of course one page is the maximum, ne ^^;;


When I want to visit him I have to drive almost 400 km. For north-west Germany to very north-east Germany.
I pass by my hometown about 30 km ^_^

Where I live right now in Bremen the landscape is FLAT. And I mean this. FLAT, FLAT, FLAT. Pretty much boring and for me just awful.
Where I grew up we have nice rolling hills, a lot of lakes and basically just a very beautiful landscape. My hometown isn't doing very well finacially as there is hardly any industry but at least we have the landscape, ne ^^

So, while driving through the area I grew up I instantly felt at home again. Just seeing all the lakes from the highway, the hills, the trees. I'm not really sure if I would go back if I'd find a job there, but I definitely enjoy going there and visit my parents.

je, magazines, pc, daily life

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