More of me on Arizona

May 01, 2010 18:05

(and yes this is repost from another local discussion)

Quote I am responding to:
"I understand all of the other points made about illegal immigrants in our country and feel for their plight. However, this is the part that glaring jumps out at me about this law - it ellicites racial profiling and discrimination of US citizens with a great potential for harrassment. Let's face it. Our country doesn't have the greatest track record for treating all individuals with respect regardless of race or gender or any other discriminating factor."

Yep, thats my thing. Illegal Shmegal this isn't about illegals getting special treatment.

This is about AMERICAN BORN CITIZENS being ASSUMED to be illegal and having to prove otherwise. It is guilty until proven innocent. That is flat out wrong and un-american. There is no way a cop should be able to pull you over with no wrong doing and demand you prove your birth. I really cannot see how any American can support that as ok. Being of Native-American, Hispanic-American. any other Tan-American birth does not default an American to a separate set of laws. It is wrong
1. Here is an article about just that LEGAL american's being detained:

2. This goes into the people behind the bill including Kris Kobach and neo-Nazi groups. And a little bit slipped into the bill which well :

" FAIR makes a living off of suing local and state governments over immigration laws. Tucked inside Article VIII of Arizona‘s new law is a provision that if groups like them win their cases, quote, a judge-sorry-a judge may order that the entity, quote, “who brought the action recover court costs and attorney fees”-which could create a nice financial boon for the formerly eugenics movement-funded, advanced the white majority, promote the genetics of white America anti-immigrant group whose attorneys helped write the new law."

Not related to the discussed law but being passed/enforced in conjunction leads to a pretty scary trend:

"The Arizona House of Representatives recently approved a provision requiring President Barack Obama to prove that he is a natural-born citizen before the state agrees to place him on the ballot in 2012"

"Arizona Ethnic Studies Classes Banned, Teachers With Accents Can No Longer Teach English"

To me it seems AZ is trying their best to enact Jim Crow like laws on its non-white citizenry. And knowing AZ tract record with Native American relations I would almost guarantee a lot of this is going to come down on them as hard (or harder then) on Hispanics.
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