Apparently, by World of Warcraft standards, we are awesome at role-playing.
Okay, since my little message was a bit brief (it was late at night and I had to go to bed!) I left out the details. The story, for the most part, isn't really worth recounting, but there are a few highlights for some people who might be morbidly interested (or who want to be totally winked out with equipment when they first join).
kielisyl and I went on a role-play server on WoW to basically act like idiots and mock everyone who participated. We were Alliance on Twisting Nether. She created a rogue gnome with pink hair who had delusions of invincibility, and I created the Goddamned most ugly dwarf ever on the planet. He was a Paladin and was supposed to be a bit holier-than-thou, but also totally insane as well.
The first hour or so, we were both amazed at four things. Neither Ellie or I have played melee characters in WoW before, so these three things are a bit telling.
1. You have to run up RIGHT NEXT to a guy before you could start attacking. This was like a OMGWTF *wrong*.
2. We could actually like, take damage. Like, we could aggro four guys among the two of us and it WOULDN'T HURT.
3. Our melee attacks actually DID DAMAGE. One melee hit from a Paladin at level 2 did like, 20 damage (the same as Smite from a priest, and that takes 2 seconds to cast).
I don't think the novelty of being melee characters really ended up wearing off :)
Then, after getting to level 5 and being dirt-poor, we decided to hit up the role-play areas. Here is the guide to WoW role-playing!
1. Go to Goldshire or Stormwind. None of the fuckers role-play in Ironforge (the Dwarf city).
2. Use /say a lot and be REALLY genki. That way, other people can complain and yell at you because they can see what you're esaying.
3. Comment on everything. Make up shit. Ask people directly for directions. Interrupt other people's RP sessions. Talk a shitload. If you can use periods and capitalization, you will look about twice as smart as everyone around you!
4. There is a small group of serious RPers on the server. If you can find them, you will probably impress them with your mad RPing SkillZ and they will flatter you deeply and invite you into their guild! Once you do that, you should suddenly change your gears so that your characters politely ask for shit. Because you're a good RPer, they'll probably be impressed enough to give you free shit. I'm sure this would work better if you are a female night elf, but none of us wanted to be a female night elf because then we'd start far away in like butt-fuck nowhere elf boonieland.
Generally, we went to Stormwind, cursed at everyone there for being boring and quiet, then went to Goldshire and hung out in the first inn, where we saw tiger mounts and druids turning into bears. And then we accused everyone of wanting to eat us. There waw a genki gnome there too, so we gave him the "traditional gnome greeting" (which is a duel). He was twice our level and beat us pretty hard, though there was one moment when in the duel, he used fear on me, I ran into the fire, and then I *DIED*. Yeah, I'm really, really good at dying in this game.
Eventually it ended with a bunch of other dwarves and gnomes taking off their pants. One gnome guy was smack-talking to a Night Elf three times his level and saying stuff like, "ur a womman, make me a sammich!" and she was not taking that well.
We now dub Goldshire a party town that suffers a large case of pantslessness.
Then we went into Stormwind and repeated our genki routine, calling everyone boring and generally shouting on the streets about how humans and elves don't talk to each other. Then our characters fought verbally with each other, basically ending up us calling each other names and accusing each other of being slow or incompetent, or what-not. Some mage girl named Baroly took interest in us. She asked us to invite her into the party, so I did, and then she said, "Can I talk to you OOC for a minute?"
At this moment, Ellie and I were like, "OSHI she's totally going to tell us how we're acting totally inappropriately and that we should GTFO of her server."
And then she was like, "I *love* what you two have done with the characters! You're SO GOOD at RP! This is amazing! This is the most fun I've ever had on the server." And Ellie and I are like, O.O
So we go back to some house and meet a bunch of her in-character guildmates and hear about her dramatic story of something like she used to be a priest but the Scourge came and she became a mage instead and lost her previous lover Tettffbt... and it was like, SEEREEUS ARRR-PEE. And then she showed us some mage magic and stuff like that. And then they were so amazed with our RP skills that she was BEGGING us to join her guild. Like, really, really begging. I don't have a log, but it was like, "Would you please join our guild? I beg of you! PLEASE."
So we did and they talked about their Ventrilo server. Apparently they're all boys and Ellie chatted with them (I had gone to bed) and there was a lot of OOC drama that spilled over into IC-land. Seems like typical RP fare on the Internets, if you ask me.
But I must say, as far as TALKING about shit goes, an RP server is so much more fun than a non-RP server because the stuff you see... like... shit going on that's not people saying, "what lvl r u?". Though I don't know if that's much of a benefit. It seems that there's a group of super serious hardcore RPers (which don't even come CLOSE to the hardcore MUSH/MUCK/MUX RPers), the stupid bratty RPers (night elf strippers lol), super-casual no-standards RPers (people who try but really can't RP worth a damn), and then people who don't even try at all (I think they just stand around talking in guild or party chat).
It's all pretty damn bizarre. It really, really, really is. It's like, a whole new world of SO STRANGE AND SCARY.