Sep 25, 2016 01:07
It funny, when you come to a point where you can see the relative drift in personal relationships. I'd like to think happens to everyone from time to time, but in the age of 24/7 social media bombardment, I wonder just how much people notice it anymore. Worse yet I woder if it can accelerate it.
Before I dumped the daily social media about two years ago, I saw so much of people talking past each other and even saying things they wouldn't say I person. I was really tired of it, Even thought I left due to another catalyst it was a big part of the inertia to leave. Even so, I lost a regular connection with people I didnt regularly see. You might say I threw the baby out with the bathwater. Either way it has generated some interesting observables.
Tonight we got together for a birthday party, and even though it had been a long time since I had seen a number of the people there, in most cases things carrier on as if not time had transpired. Unfortunately there was one pretty clear exception. Talking to someone I'd seen just one other time in the last 18 months there was a clear change from when we were much closer. Personal politics notwithstanding thier slighting, partisan declarations were something I'd sooner expect to see in a passive-agressive facebook post. In fact it made it seem as if they've been living in an echo chamber with thie own opinions. Whether the attitude was activly set upon, or rolled of without a second though, I get it, you think you're better than me. What I dont know is where we go from here. Are we going to carry on with you sitting on that high horse of yours? On the other hand, maybe I'm putting too much thought into this. At the rate we're going I'm not likely to see you but maybe one or two times in the next three years anyway. Who knows.