May 17, 2004 15:58
So schools started again. My first class is mainly about making a resume, cover letters, interviewing skills, and etc. It will be an easier class but will help me in getting my promotion at Target. :D I can't wait till I can move up. I am really excited at the chance of having more responsibility and challenges. Best of all I will be in charge of my own team! That's so freaking cool!!!!! Hmmm, maybe power does corrupt...muhahaha! Oh well, whatever...
I still have two hours till creative writing, no really enough time to go home and not really enough time to ummm not be bored.... I got some writing done today bu I am still stuck on a few small, well large to me, details about the characters. Mainly a few names and races to still be determined. I do believe though if I really get cracking I could pop this book out within the next two months or so. I have nearly all the major plot points mapped out in my head. Ooo, and I just got the idea to just plop in holding names for things I can't think of so I can keep on writing and not be so stuck. I will just put them in all caps. Or something.
I'm stuck on the last few lines to finish off my Savage Garden additions. Other than that I haven't had any major inspirational spurts of creativity.
Took Natasha to lunch for her birthday today. It was acutally last monday, the 10th but I didn't get to take her out till today. I bought her a copy of the Invader Zim DVD as her present since I suck being so busy and couldn't think of anything cooler. After we ate, which Longhorn has some damn good chicken, we just sat in my car and talked for a bit. It was nice, but she had to leave and get to running her errands.
Till something else happens, peace.