Apr 26, 2005 15:19
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO man sunday me, amanda c., rachel and my papa went to frostburg for a concert. the doors didnt open until six but we got there at 4. when we got to the place there was no one there cept like 3 ppl. when we were walking by the place one of the doors were cracked open so i stuck my head in there and the starting line were doing their sound check. i was so excited about that. so me and amanda waited outside in the SNOW for two hours. It was so cold. but anyway we were third in line. and then they finally let us in the building. we had to wait in there for a bit and then we were let loose. we got front and center on the guard rail.
head automatica was first. holly man they were amazing. daryl, the lead singer was so good. when he was singing he kept, well what i thought, looking at me and smiling at me and we were making faces at each other, but i wasnt sure. BUT then when he walking the guard rail when he got to me he said "you are amazing you sang every word your so awesome". yea i was speechless. that made me feel so good. we also met the keyboard guy he was really nice.
then the staring line went on. wow ive been wanting to see them forever. and i finally did. they were so good they played left coast envy, which is my favorite song and i was so happy about that. kenny, the lead singer, fell. that was funny. then it was over.
so we went to get some band merch. the keyboard guy was selling their stuff we talked for a bit and taught us how to open cds. then when we were about to leave we saw daryl again. so we walked over to him and he turned around and was like "you!" and gave me a huge hug. and was like "you really got my energy going because you knew the words and thats amazing". so we then went to leave and when we went outside flippin kenny was standing there. so we talked to him for like a sec. he seemed like he was maybe a little off. but yea he was cool.