It's been awhile since I've been so caught up with any American drama series. So now that I've got absolutely nothing to do and no one to go out with (*sob*) over the weekend, I took out the disc that Sam burnt for me in July last year. 2 seasons of House M.D. I enjoyed watching this series back in Melbourne, but I ended up missing a lot of episodes, so thanks to Sam, I can now watch everything from the first episode to the last, in HD too!
Dr. Gregory House, played by Hugh Laurie, is a doctor we would hate to visit. He always says what's on his mind and although offensive, I do see some humor in his sarcasm. The main role of this "House" character is to solve medical mysteries where other doctors have failed in doing so. What's interesting is how he does it - he diagnoses patients without seeing them and sometimes without having to know what symptoms they may be having, therefore hardly anyone believes what he says is right. And of course, he's mostly right about 90% of the time.
Guess I like this series because it's rather similar to CSI, plus Dr. House is an extremely intelligent, witty and compelling character who manages to keep my eyes glued onto the screen. Just like how Grissom does in CSI (or do I have something for old, intelligent and charismatic men? Hmm, *ponders*). Plus I've learnt a few things, hahaha. I now know why our body jerks just before we fall asleep and that a cigarette or two a day will aid in inflammatory bowel disease. Interesting.
I'm now worried that I may finish the series too quickly, so I've decided that I may have to buy:
1. CSI Season 3, 4 and 5.
2. Grey's Anatomy 1 & 2.
3. Desperate Housewives or attempt to find the disc containing two seasons of Desperate Housewives that Jun burnt for me.
just to keep my mind occupied.