(no subject)

Jun 30, 2011 13:48

 Welcome cherrysoda ! :3

Okay, before I get focused on my homework/get ready for work/possibly work out tonight - I figured since I just ended another meme to start another meme to let all my new friends get to know me a little better. I swiped this from singingaway~ Also, for all my new friends - my small, basic intro post is over here.

Day 1 - your first cosplay

Okay, technically it was Rikku from FF X-2, but uh, let's...not go there. This is the first cosplay I claim and that I'm pretty proud of.

Misty from Pokemon. Despite the date, I've been cosplaying Misty since '07. I've revised/touched it up from the beginning quite a bit, but it still looked more or less the same. 

1. Your first cosplay.
2. How many costumes have you done?
3. Your most recent cosplay.
4. Your cosplay communities, where do you go to talk about cosplay?
5. Blatant self plug! Link us to your cosplay page, be it dA, ACP, Coscom, whatever!
6. Your favourite cosplay (that you have done)
7. The character you have cosplayed that is most similar to you (if none that you have cosplayed, then one that you will cosplay)
8. Your cosplay plans for the rest of the year (if you have no more for this year, then do next year!)
9. The dream cosplay that might just happen
10. The dream cosplay that will never happen
11. Something cosplay-related that you will never do (eg. crossplay, cosplay from a certain series)
12. Your cosplay idol.
13. Your cosplay specialty (ie. something that seems to apply to a large amount of your cosplays, it could be a specific series, or a common feature in their appearance, such as glasses)
14. Your cosplay-making habits (eg. singing while working on cosplay)
15. Your least favourite thing about cosplay
16. Do you belong to any cosplay groups? If so, what are they?
17. What events have you cosplayed to?
18. What is your best cosplay memory?
19. What is your worst cosplay memory?
20. Have you won any cosplay awards?
21. Show us your best cosplay derp photo!
22. Have you worn cosplay in a regular situation? (eg. at school, to work)
23. Your most expensive cosplay
24. Your most comfortable cosplay and most uncomfortable cosplay
25. The cosplay you put the most effort into
26. Any unfinished costumes? Will you ever finish them?
27. How many wigs do you own? Which is your favourite?
28. Where do you work on your cosplays and where do you store them when they’re done?
29. What is your favourite cosplay item? (eg. a pair of shoes, a wig)
30. Describe cosplay in three words. No more, no less.

And, while were on the subject of cosplay - this seems like a good place to make a to-do list for Ikasucon.

~finish touching up curl. 
~find play slippers for him.

Kida/12.5! Kida: 
12.5!: ~cut/modify Kida's (12.5) hoodie
~possibly touch up Kida's wig? 
Casual: complete.

~wash/brush out wig
~touch up jewelry/accessories

~re-paint shoes if at all possible

~work out as much as possible beforehand, otherwise, complete.

Gurren Lagann Fan Panel: 
~ make an outline
~ talk to Torrie about panel.

livejournal: !intro, general: welcome, general: 30 day meme, event: ikasucon, general: cosplay, livejournal: f-list, cosplay: misty/kasumi

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