new Heroes ficlet (The Strong Silent Types) The Haitian

Jan 17, 2008 17:49

Title: The Strong Silent Types
Author: karrenia
Fandom: Heroes (tv)
Character: the Haitian
Rating: G
Season 2
Summary: The Haitian's thoughts shortly after he is cured of the Shanti virus.

Disclaimer: Heroes in the creation of Tim Kring and NBC Television; it is not mine. Set during Season 2 and features the Haitian shortly after he is cured of the Shanti virus.
Written for the Heroes Hiatus Fic Festival gen prompt # 88.

“The Strong Silent Types” by Karen

If you were to ask me whether I would look back on the circumstances and the choices that have led me down the path that I walk and ask if I regret them; all that I can say is that I made those choices I can live with them.

At least, that was I always believed. Even from as a much younger man when I first came to the realization that I possessed the power to take away the memories of others.

It was both a frightening and heady notion, until I was shown a way to use them in the services of the Company.

If you were to ask me if that small voice inside of all us at times objected to the duties that I had to perform in the name of the Company; then yes, my conscience troubled me then, and it suffers occasional twinges, of course. I am human, I make mistakes, and so do those of my employers.

I was assigned to a certain Mr. Bennet, someone with long standing and clout in the Company; he had been assigned to both safeguard and raise another one with unique and perhaps even potentially dangerous abilities; her name was Claire.

It was not my place to gainsay my boss, or to even to second guess his choices that he made, but I could see that in his need to protect he actually was bordering on obsessive and even dangerous. Those who do not know me wall would call me taciturn, even withdrawn, and given my abilities figured that I could not or even would not speak aloud.

Memories are a tricky thing and so are emotions, as I've told Claire and others my powers only work to take away memories not to put them back; and perhaps it was well and even rather selfish that I am not troubled with the accumulated memories of other people with whom I have had contact.

At times I was prompted to speak, and even to take action, and I have, and in my own way I had grown quite fond of the girl.

Whatever else happened would left up to the hands of a benevolent God and failing that, I must believe that He has a plan for me in the greater scheme of things.

When my assignment and employ with Noah Bennett came to such a rather dismal end I
returned to my native island of Haiti, and that was when it hit me, something was not just off,
The illness and the gradual diminishing of my abilities eventually forced me to take to my bed, in the course of my illness I eventually came to believe was a long delayed punishment from my God, and then it was mercifully taken away.

I do not believe it was a miracle, not the kind in the traditional sense of a miracle, but this one came in the form of one Dr. Mohinder Suresh and his science and his medicine, and for my life and for that I am grateful.

However, I must wonder, if this is part of the plan and if so, what part do I have to play in a very changed battleground?

While I was lying supine, feverish and mostly unconscious for the duration of my illness, I managed to learn that others like me, others with exceptional superhuman abilities will face an even more dangerous road ahead, and there will be a fight ahead of us if we hope to make it out alive. I pray, not only for myself but for all of us caught up in that battle.

fic 2008, heroes

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