Team Thief Leverageland promt #6 Parker!

Feb 06, 2012 16:53

We Steal the Grrrrreat stuff!

So as a member of Team thief I just had to do something as I'm horrid at art so I deiced to write something. Here is my last minute ditch effort only partly Betaed before I hit the wall that is writer's Block!!!

How to make a Parker.
Rating: G-PGish
A Leverage story with some Justified and White Collar tossed in.
Disclamer. I own no one in this. If I did I would be working real hard on a giant crossover for TV or maybe a morvie.

The psychiatrist had said that because something so horrible had happened to her, that she would remain be at that same emotional level all her life without treatment. One of the kids in session group told her to watch TV, find someone on a show study them and then be like them, slowly become them. That was how you get out of Treatment.

In Harlan, Raylan and Boyd always let her play Big Valley with them. It only made since she was the only girl they liked playing with. None of them knew that the boys would grow up and keep playing Heath and Nick. The Thing about Harlan County is most of it was coal miners, so demo was easily learned and put to use fishing.

A few years later in Detroit she came across reruns of 'It Takes a Thief ' and Parker knew she could do that. Why be Audra Barkley when you could be Al Mundy's little sister. Mozzie had been a great find after Archie had moved to be closer to his family. It was Mozzie, who taught Parker about what the real value in keeping somethings and hording cash. They were a great crew when they brought Neal Caffery on. Parker even deemed Neal fit to learn the basics that Archie taught her in the first year of her own training. Things were great til the great Debacle of Europe and Nathan Ford happened. They had all agreed to each go it on their own till the heat had wore off.

That had been years ago. Neal went to Jail, Mozzie is still under the radar, and Parker has her new team with Nathan Ford of all people. One day Parker would love for the team to meet Neal, Mozzie, Boyd, even Raylan. If that day ever happened one thing is for sure. It would never be in Harlan County. Cause like the song says. You'll never leave Harlan alive.


I know it's short, but I had to stop here or it would go over a thousand words, if not much more.

parker, white collar, justified, fanfiction, leverageland, rated g, team thief, leverage

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