Well not much to say. Have some fic Recs

Nov 23, 2011 23:30

I've desided that I was going to start posting the things I'm reading.
So right now I'm flw betaing a really great fic that I know people are going to LOVE! I've got alot of DC comics at work today that I hope to crack open tomorrow.

The fics that I've been paruing are

Harry Potter

All for You! by DJStroake (Hr/RL)

The Complexity of Carnal Knowledge by Akashathekitty (Hr/DM)

Stargate/Stargate Atlantis

Qui Habitat by Domenika Marzione (domarzione)

Space Above and Beyond

The Ice Queen series By Karen Evens (Who way befor Tiffy let me play in her world. I really need to repost that series!)

Hawaii 5-O

Bulletproof Baby Blankets by Tkeyla

Well that's it for now hope to do another of these soon.

fic recs

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