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Since Henrieke did something to her elbow prior to the trip, our first stop today was a doctor, which naturally meant filling out lots of paperwork. The doctor did suggest that it might be a dislocation and wanted us to go to an emergency room, but since that would mean tons of paperwork, spending half a day there and paying a 4-digit amount which would probably reached my credit card limit, we decided to just see of the arm sling, muscle relaxers and painkillers would help for now. We picked up our medications and other stuff for the con at Walgreens and then had lunch with Chris, Kanu and Scott at Fresh2Order, pretty tasty and absolutely amazing wild mushroom soup!
It took a while to get to the (massive) convention hotel due to rush hour traffic, but we made it eventually. The hotel the convention was at was the Westin Atlanta, the tallest hotel in the U.S.! After waiting a bit in the Lobby for Nicole, our roommate, we got to our room in the 5th floor which granted us a wonderful view over Atlanta and far beyond the city borders. First event of the con was the opening ceremony where we already met Louve, Booboo, Foxjump, Clawed and Sapphire. Louve was guest of honor, so we sat there and watched her sitting on stage in all her glory, silently cheering for her. Right afterwards, there was the GoH meet and greet panel where Louve answered questions mostly about horses.
We all then went to Metro Diner, a restaurant we've already visited in 2011, except this time with horrible karaoke in the background! We enjoyed the dinner a lot though, drawing a bit while trying not to fall asleep due to jetlag.
Henrieke, me, Louve, Booboo, Clawed and Shannon at Metro Diner.