Room 801 part 4

Mar 25, 2009 20:03

Room 801
Part 4

When they got out of the plane they called a taxi and ordered the driver to take the fastet route to the hotel. There were only minutes left until they would be there.

The femenine man walked over to his room. He opened the door and said: "Yunho-ah... hav- YUNHO?! what have you done?!!!!"

He stared at the sight that met him. Yunho sat ontop of a bleeding man. Yunho's eyes were wild as he stared at the femenine man. The man that Yunho sat ontop of, Was pale and lifeless. He was bleeding hard. Yunho sat with his knife rised as if he were to stab again. "I told you to just talk with him! That's why I let you alone!" The red head shouted. Suddenly, as if someone hit a button, Yunho lowered his knife and looked confused at the man benieth him. Shock ran over his face. "What... What have I done....? Heechul... Please... tell me this isn't true... Tell me I didn't do this... Please... Don't tell me I killed him... Don't tell me I killed Jaejoong...!!!" Yunho aid with tears in his eyes. Suddenly he was nothing other than emotions. He was mad at himfelf and he was crying for Jaejoong... Then he bent down and kissed the red still lips of Jaejoong.

Heechul got over to his side and checked Jaejoong's pulse. He found the hotel room phone and called for an ambulance. "We ned ambulance NOW! it's an emergency! There's a man in the 20's stabbed with a knife! His puls is low, he's unconcious and he's not breathing! We're at room 801......" Heechul told them the address and hung up. "What are you going to do?" Heechul asked. "I'm going to stay here... I'm not running away..." Yunho replied in a sad tone. Heechul found a towel and pressed it against Jaejoong's wound. Yunho sat on the bed beside him with his head in his hands. "Yunho, help me press this against his wound if you want to save him!" Heechul ordered him. Yunho jumped up, more than willingly to help.       Soon after, the ambulance arrived.

Yoochun stared at the ambulance outside the hotel. Before the taxi stopped, he jumped out of it, and ran towards the hotel. Junsu paid the driver, then he and Changmin ran after Yoochun.

Just when they reached the ambulance, some doctors came running out of the hotel doors with  a stretcher in between them. Yoochun asked a nurse standing beside him what had happened. "An Asian man in the 20's was stabbed with a knife." She said without looking at him. some of the doctors ran ahead of the stretcher so that Yoochun caught a glimpse of the man.

"JAEJOONG!!!!!!! NO!!!!!"  He cried and ran towards him. For the first time the nurse looked at him, then she looked at Changmin and Junsu who were frozen by shock.
Yoochun ran beside Jaejoong back to the ambulance, pleading for him to wake up.
"D... Do you know him...?" The nurse asked Junsu and Changmin. "Yes... He's Corea's most Famous singer and pianist... He's also our best friend..." Changmin answered robot-like. The nurse gasped. "But why is he here?!" The nurse wanted to know. "He tried to get rid of a murderous stalker... but it seems like the stalker trapped him..." Changmin replied. "oh... I'm so sorry... But... There were two other men... oh.... well, one of them was rather femenine looking and wore femenine clothes... anyway, there were two other men in the room. They both claimed they knew him." she said. "Are they still there?!" Changmin snapped out of the shock. "Yes..." she replied.

Changmin grabbed Junsu's hand and ran towards the hotel doors. "Yoochun! we'll meet at the hospital later!" He yelled before they entered the hotel. They ran to the elevator, but Changmin had no patience so he dragged Junsu up the stairs. They paused to catch their breath when they reached the 8th floor. Changmin found the room he was looking for, ran towards it and slammed the door open. The first he saw was blood. Lots of red gruesome blood all over. Then he saw the two men sitting on the bed. "Heechul?! What are you doing here?! And why are you covered in blood?! Were you the one who did it?!" Changmin yelled.

Heechul looked at him and was about to answer when the msn sitting with his head in his hands beside him cut him off. "No... I'm the one who did it..." He whispered. "Yunho..." Heechul said. "WHY?! What the hell were you thinking?! Arghhh!!!!" Changmin was real mad. He went over to the men at the bed. "Get up." He ordered. Yunho looked up at him with a blank face before he rose up.

Changmin's hands were hard fists now. He raised his right hand and shot it towards the face of Yunho. It was a powerful hit that sent Yunho flying to the floor. Changimin was about to walk over to beat him up more, but both Heechul and Junsu grabbed him and held him back. "It wont help Jaejoong if you beat up his stalker..." Junsu said. "Yunho isn't just a stalker... He's a Huge part of Jaejoong's life..." Heechul said. "What?! What do you mean?!" Changmin shouted angrily. "Yunho was the closest Jaejoong could come a best friend up until 4 Years ago..." Heechul told them the whole story, and what had happened in this hotel room.

"Jaejoong never told us about his past..." Junsu said. "I wonder why the police haven't come for me yet...." Yunho who still lay on the floor whispered. "Get up." Chanmin said. "You're going to beat me more?" Yunho asked tiredly. "No. You're going with us to the hospital. Don't worry, the police will get the message." He said, grabbed the man and pushed him infront of him out the door, down to the lobby and into a taxi.

They found Yoochun sitting with his head in his hands in the hall otside the room where Jaejoong was. "Anything new?" Changmin asked sofly. Yoochun lifted his head and looked into Changmin's eyes as he answered. "No..." Then he saw the two other men who were covered in blood. "Heechul... Why are you here...? why are you covered in blood...? who's that...?" Yoochun asked. Again Heechul told them everything. As expected Yoochun reacted with anger. He hit Yunho several times before he broke down in tears. "how.. How could you...?!" He cried. Changmin helped him back to the chair by the wall and sat down beside him with his arms around him. He tried comforting him to calm him down.

They'd been waiting in the hall for hours. Heechul had been talking to the police and begged them to let Yunho stay at the hospital until they got to know wether Jaejoong would make it. He'd promised them that they wouldn't let him escape. Yunho himself had ensured them that he would go with them by his own free will if he just got to be there a while longer. The police had agreed, but they placed two officeres there to keep watch.

Then. The door opened and the doctors came out. sweat ran down their faces. "How is he?! Will he make it?!" Yoochun jumped up. He grabbed one of the doctors' coat by the colar and stared into his eyes. "He was lucky. He wasn't stabbed at any critical spots. He lost quite alot of blood, but he will make it." The doctor answered. Yoochun let go of him and let him walk away. All of them went into the room to see how Jaejoong was. The two officeres stood outside as guards.

Jaejoong lay on the bed. He was just like the seeping beauty. Yoochun took Jaejoong's hand in his and whispered: "Jaejoong-Ah... We're all here... All of us want you to wake up...Changmin, Junsu, Heechul, Yunho and I.... Please wake up..." Yunho went over to Jaejoong's other side. "Jaejoong-Ah... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry... Please wake up.... I was out of my mind... I don't want to lose you... please...." Tears went down Yunho's face. They waited and waited. Yunho couldn't hold back anymore. He bent down and kissed Jaejoong's beautiful red, full lips infront of all the others. Everyone except Heechul was shocked. One thing he hadn't told them, was the feelings that Jaejoong and Yunho had for each other. They just stared at Yunho unable to move.

Then, Jaejoong closed the hand that Yoochun were holding. Then he slowly opened his eyes. "He's awake!!!!" Yoochun shouted. Yunho pulled away. "I'm so sorry I did that to you..." He said. Jaejoong just smiled. "It's okay." He whispered.

"Oh, Joonie...!" All of them said happily at the same time. "I have to leave you now..." Yunho told Jaejoong. "Why...?" Jaejoong's face got a worried expression. "Jae... I almost killed you... Two officeres are waiting outside to take me with them." Yunho told him. "No... You have to be here... I don't want you to go... I need you... let me talk o them..." Jaejoong said. He was starting to get afraid.

Heechul let the officeres in. Jaejoong took Yunho's hand and held him there, refusing to let go. "Don't take him. I need him here. I'll pay you whatever amount of money you need to let him go. It was an accident... I don't want to report him...." He begged the officeres. "You'll have to talk to the boss about this... We could get him here if you want..." One of them said "Please do so...." Jaejoong said. The one who talked pickd up his phone and called the boss.

The others had to go out and wait in the hall when the boss arrived. He went in to talk to Jaejoong. A while later he came out again. He told the officeres to let go of Yunho. "We'l let you go with a warning and a fine of 10 000 NOK. Here's the info you'll need to pay the fine." The boss said. Then they walked away.

When they came in to the room again, Jaejoong were grinning. "Yoochun, do you have your laptop with you?" He asked. "Actualy... I do.... But I don't know how I remembered to get it with me..." He said confused. He took his laptop out of the bag he carried and gave it to Jaejoong. "Give me that, Yunho." Jaejoong said. Yunho gave him the info, and watched him confued. It took Jaejoong 10 minutes, then his grin widened. "Done." He said. "Now you dont have to think about those 10 000 NOK anymore." He said. "WHAT?! You paid them?!" Yunho was shocked. "B...But after what I did to you?!" He said. "That's my way to tell you that I forgive you, and I hope you will stay with me from now on." Jaejoong said and smiled.

Suddenly a surprised highpitched dolphin sound made everyone turn towards Junsu. Heechul were standing beside him, looking innocent. "He.... He touched me!" Junsu squeeked. Heechul looked at Junsudeilishly. Then he went close to him and kissed his mouth, then he laughed evilly and went out the door. Junsu's expression was priceless. Everyone aughed at his expression.

They stayed in Norway a week longer, then they went home to Corea.

The End~

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