
Jan 12, 2012 07:02

IMG_9143, a photo by karosaurus on Flickr.
2012 is a shiny, clean year. Heated yoga makes my muscles feel amazing, but I like the meditation more than anything because it fills my head with light. I broke my 50 prime by accidentally slamming my camera against a wall, so I’ve been getting to know my 17-40.  I went out to dinner with seven friends on Tuesday and saw the pain on A’s face when she realized her ex was holding hands with someone else under the table. My heart hurt for her and I said “let’s go,” partially for her but mostly for me, but she shook her head and so we ordered margaritas with two extra shots of tequila and stayed and got drunk until nothing bothered us anymore. If I’m to be with someone, I want them to be damn worth my time; I want someone who will go on adventures with me. Last night, I went to a bar down the street in the rain and sat there with some man named Nick (or Eric or Rick or Tom) and we conversed about organ donation and living wills. I caught myself slurring. He offered me a ride home but I told him I’d rather walk.

o by the by
has anybody seen
little you-i
who stood on a green
hill and threw
his wish at blue

with a swoop and a dart
out flew his wish
(it dived like a fish
but it climbed like a dream)
throbbing like a heart
singing like a flame

blue took it my
far beyond far
and high beyond high
bluer took it your
but bluest took it our
away beyond where

what a wonderful thing
is the end of a string
(murmurs little you-i
as the hill becomes nil)
and will somebody tell
me why people let go

- e.e. cummings
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