Jul 23, 2004 01:51
currently at afton's so...yeah lots of lesbian love...and amber is here too...and I love them both so I'm all excited and stuff...anyway...today we went to diegos again and yeah...hot guy works there...it was fun...I want a t-shirt...then me and meagan went jet skiin and it was fun. I drove. great stuff...then came home got nice looking...I wore a skirt...it was just crazy...then went to unidad cause that's where all the kewl kids were going...and stuff... its was fun though, cause everyone actually came and it made me smile...and I loved it...took lots of pictures and it ruled.
I also made a new friend...named jordan...and I used to stalk him back in the day cause I liked his green chucks and his side burns...but its ok cause now we've talked and we're friends...
Now I;m going to go have sex with afton and amber...cause I love them...and its fun?
Lots of love,
don't do drugs...