work stuff

Feb 05, 2008 20:52

Got back on my regular project again today, finished off that small project I was working on, or at least the first draft of it.

Now I'm kind of stuck at that stage with little input. Which means I can, like I was wanting to a couple weeks back, 'own the project' and go forward with what I want to until I get the next round of feedback. Which is good, but tricky.

I still feel like I'm walking in someone else's code, which is fine. It's just that the polite part of my brain doesn't want to offend by re-writing, even though, hey, the guys who originally wrote the code are gone. It's interesting, I don't know which was which, but I'm pretty sure there were two guys. Going back and forth between sites, I can see slight differences in style. I'm assuming that they are different peoples codes, but could just be learning as well.

Tomorrow, I shall arrive at a plan, possibly make a list, and hopefully make progress.
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