Now you see me

Aug 25, 2013 20:00

now you don't
was a cool movie
I agree,
the more you look, the less you see...
Been reading The Witch of Porttobello as much as I can but with all these studying I can't
well I lie, I should be studying right now instead I am on live journal
I start school tomorrow Uggh I dread driving over there
I want out of this forsaken school and valley
I need to pick up my GPA as much as I can this semester though so I can apply somewhere for PA or medical school with a killer essay
I still do not know what I want to do but I know I got to keep studying and preparing for exams.
an excerpt from the book I'm reading
"what is happiness?
love, they tell me. But love doesn't bring and never has brought happiness. On the contrary, it's a constant state of anxiety, a battlefield;it's sleepless nights, asking ourselves all the time if we're doing the right thing. Real love is composed of ecstasy and agony.
All right then, peace. Peace?The winter does battle with the summer, the sun and the moon never meet, the tiger chases the man, who's afraid of the dog , who chases the cat, who chases the mouse, who frightens the man.
Money brings happiness. Fine . In that case, everyone who earns enough to have a high standard of living would be able to stop working. But then they;re more troubled than ever, as if they were afraid of losing everything.
When i'm with a group of people and I want to provoke them by asking that most important of questions-Are you happy?-they all reply yes:"yes, i am."
Then I ask:"but don;t you want more?Don't you want to keep on growing?"And they all reply:"Of course." Then I say;"you're not happy." And they change the subject.
"We're surrounded by Universal Desire. It's not happiness, it's desire. And desires are never satisfied, because once they are, they cease to be desires."
"teach people to be different. That's all. That is joy...Happiness would be feeling satisfied with everything she already had a lover,son job and Athena like me was not born for that kind of life.
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