Facebook Madness

Dec 03, 2010 16:44

I have to share with you guys just some of the madness I have been apart of since last night. For those who may have missed it.

Edit - We do need more players but please ask first. Again so we don't end up with 50 Sams or something

Your face jokes always win


Who doesn't like Johnny Depp?

...It's an all boys school?

(surprised this moment has yet to have been ruined by any other Gleeks)

Britt made babies for Kurt/Blaine and Kurt/Dave
Kurt/Dave baby was much cuter.

Sue doesn't approve of M-PReg

The "What?" got me. I got this image of Kurt sitting there like O_O

Edit -




Rainbow coats. I want one.

Puck I just

Farmville yo


I died


Oh gurl

There has been far more but this is just some. I'll also be posting random ones on my Tumblr if anyone wants to watch me - http://theunknownsoul.tumblr.com/

Main point of this post is to say. . .

I love all the players they're doing awesome. We still need a Tina, Mike, and ...SAM Why has no one claimed Sam. Come on. And others too! (just remember we're following the canon story line!)

EDIT - WE HAVE A SAM http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001712480758

srs bsns, misc: roll play, misc: delicious

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