I wrote a slew of oneshots over the past couple of months and completely forgot to post them to livejournal. Sorry for the long post. I didn't want to spam the community with a bunch of posts. Go nuts!
Title: I Could Not Ask For More
Words: 2,953
Rating: G
Genre: Romance, Family, Fluff, General
Pairing: Kurtofsky
Spoilers: None.
Warnings: None.
Summary: Kurt celebrates his birthday, as well as another special occasion, with his family. Caution: Contains an overwhelming amount of domestic adorableness and... Cupcakes.
A/N: Written for an anon on tumblr who wanted "A Late Breakfast."
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Title: Like Stars in the Sky
Words: 1,172
Rating: G
Genre: Friendship, Romance
Pairing: Kurtofsky
Spoilers: None
Warnings: None.
Summary: Dave just so happens to like Kurt's freckles, much to Kurt's surprise.
A/N: Inspired by
this picture of Chris Colfer. He's just so beautiful, I can't help it.
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Title: Lost and Found
Words: 2,713
Rating: G
Genre: Friendship, Pre-Romance, General
Pairing: Kurtofsky
Spoilers: None
Warnings: None.
Summary: Dave's on a search to find his missing cellphone, but stumbles upon someone far more unexpected in NYU's library.
A/N: Prompt fill for an Anon on tumblr.
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Title: Matinee
Words: 4,455
Rating: G
Genre: Pre-Romance, Friendship, General
Pairing: Pre-Kurtofsky, Past Klaine
Spoilers: Spoilers for “On My Way” and “Heart”
Warnings: Not Klaine/Blaine friendly. Past Klaine.
Summary: Kurt and Dave run into each other at the movie theater, where realizations are made.
A/N: Inspired by the song Matinee by Hurts to Purr. Not a songfic.
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Title: Mine (to Keep Warm)
Words: 3,143
Rating: PG
Genre: Romance, Fluff
Pairing: Kurtofsky
Spoilers: “Heart”
Warnings: None.
Summary: After a series of misconstrued intentions, as well as a failure to knock before entering, Kurt and Dave finally realize that their hearts have been in the same place for the longest time.
A/N: Prompt fill for the topic of "Rainy Days." Title from Ingrid Michaelson's "Keep Warm". Not a songfic, though. Oneshot.
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Title: Of Chocolate and Intruders
Words: 1,525
Rating: M
Genre: Romance, Humor, General
Pairing: Kurtofsky, Past Klaine
Spoilers: None.
Warning: Anal sex, Accidental Voyeurism
Summary: Kurt and Dave have sex and end up putting on a show for a rather unexpected, and not to mention unwanted, visitor.
A/N: Written for gwennylou and savekenny on tumblr, who wanted Blaine walking in on Kurt and Dave having sex and chocolate.
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Title: To Love is to Put Up With You
Words: 599
Rating: G
Genre: Fluff, General, Romance
Pairing: Kurtofsky
Spoilers: None.
Warnings: None. Unless you're like me and are not a fan of "Call Me Maybe" by Carly Rae Jepson.
Summary: Dave has a questionable taste in music. Kurt learns that with love comes compromise.
A/N: Prompt fill on tumblr. Slight OOC-ness on Dave's part.
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