Title: Born This Slave (12/?)
Author: Amory Puck (pucktheplayer & sparklybat on LJ/Tumblr)
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Slash, slave!fic, non-con, dub-con, h/c, kink, angst, fluffystuff, boysex,
Pairings: Kurtofsky (master!Kurt/slave!Dave), Mercedes/Sam, Sam/Dave, Others/Dave
Ch. 11 Word Count: 9,639
Total Word Count (so far-WIP): ~91,400
'Born This Slave' Full Chapter Listing Summary: Everything is going well for Glee Club until a drop in the economy leaves one of their own in a desperate situation. The bank is foreclosing on Sam and he is about to be sent into a world of legal slavery - a trade that is entirely foreign to everyone except the highest of society. The situation seems helpless until Kurt comes forward with a secret that may save Sam's life--but it may also lose Kurt his friends when they find out that one of their own is, in fact, a slavemaster. And his slave is no other than Dave Karofsky.
Author's Notes: Okay, it has been almost a year since I have updated my two WIPs,
Born This Slave and
Cell Mate, but I've gotten several emails asking if I am going to complete them and, since I am out of the job, why not? I know a couple of people were really pissed that I haven't updated in forever, but it has been a REALLy crazy year. Anyhoo... don't know if anybody's still interested in readin' this thang, but here she is, brand new spankin' chapter! (Emphasis on 'spankin' ;P)
Chapter 12: Under Pressure