Title: Bound by a New Life - 13/?
Rating: R
Pairing: Dave Karofsky / Kurt Hummel
Summary: Kurt Hummel and Dave Karofsky were abruptly rescued after months of captivity. Adjusting to their new lives would not be an easy task for either.
Warnings: References to past non-con.
Kurt was worried. Dave hadn't been to school in two days and had not even answered his texts. He eventually called Dave's home phone, of course; he then spoke to Dave's mother who was less than helpful. She had gone slightly beyond thinking they were unhealthy to a level of almost hostility that made Kurt want to scream at her. He called again late in the evening and finally got Dave's father. Paul Karofsky was no saint, but he tried as hard as Kurt's own father, which was amazing.
"This is Kurt Hummel," Kurt mumbled when he heard the man answer. "I haven't seen David in two days and he hasn't responded to any of my texts. Is he alright?" He tried to hide the fact that he was freaked out, but it was hard to do when he was breathing fast and rambling at the man.
"Kurt, hi," Paul said. "David's…well, he's been going through quite a lot. I don't really understand it, but he's been…difficult lately. He won't come down for dinner and spends a lot of time in his room. He's sunk into something and isn't responding to either of us. I'm just…very unsure what to do. His therapist said to let him deal with it for a day or two before we intervene harshly, but I don't know…It doesn't make sense for him to suddenly act so forlorn, does it?"
Kurt was shocked. He didn't know what he'd been expecting but it most certainly wasn’t that. Dave had been doing alright the last couple of weeks. Sure, he had his share of issues, but Kurt had been acting more traumatized at school than Dave had. Kurt actually hated school now that Blaine gave him sad, hopeless glares in the middle of class and glee rehearsals. What reason did Dave have to withdraw like that? Was he sick? Or was it something worse?
"Do you think I could come see him?" Kurt asked. He understood Paul's reasoning for not hovering Dave the moment he started acting weird but Kurt was sure that he could get through to his boyfriend a little bit better than his father could; Kurt could get through to Dave like nobody else could.
Kurt wasted no time in getting himself to the Karofsky house. He was glad that it wasn't very far from his own. He knocked on the door, heart pounding so hard that he could hear it inside of his head. Paul Karofsky answered the door. Kurt took a step back, marveling over just how exhausted Dave's father was. He had dark circles under his eyes and looked older than he ever had before. This was putting him through hell. Kurt could tell. "Hello, Mr. Karofsky," he mumbled, trying to be polite and even-tempered even when he was panicking.
"Hello Kurt," Paul said evenly. "I…I'm glad you're here. I really just don't understand his behavior. He spends a lot of time in bed and barely eats or sleeps. It doesn't help that my wife and I have been going through a bit of a rough patch. The last thing we want to do is put David through more traumas though. I think that seeing you would be really good for him…"
"Don't worry," he said smoothly. "I'll talk to Dave and it'll all be okay."
He pushed past the man and went upstairs to Dave's room. He knocked on the door, several times, but there was no answer. He waited for a second to steady his mind and then pushed his way inside. He had to be brave for David.
Kurt knew that the large lump in Dave's bed had to be his boyfriend. Dave shifted and grunted, turning around so that he was facing Kurt. He looked up and his eyes widened in shock. "K-Kurt…" he said, flinging the bedcovers off of himself and staring Kurt in the eye. Kurt's heart broke a little bit more at the sight of Dave. His eyes were lined with dark circles and he looked like he'd been crying. He looked as though something inside of him had just positively snapped. Kurt wasn't sure what was wrong with Dave and what he could do.
Kurt took a breath, crawled up onto Dave's bed and touched his shoulder. Dave responded by fighting back tears, immediately. "Kurt…" he whined. He was trying his hardest not to cry but it was a losing battle. Kurt could see the tears in the corners of his eyes and they absolutely broke his heart. He didn't want Dave to hurt like this and he didn't know how to help him.
"David, what's going on?" Kurt asked, stroking his hand over Dave's cheek and into his matted hair. He looked like in an instant he just given up all hope. Kurt couldn't stand for that. What had changed so quickly?
"I just can't shake it," Dave whispered, looking at Kurt as though Kurt might hold all the answers to how he was feeling. "I can't shake it."
"The feeling that I'm useless," Dave sobbed. "I'm not worth anything. I'm completely broken and I can't be any use to anyone. It doesn't matter how much I try to get back to something close to normal; I will never be normal. I'll never be okay."
"We're both so far from normal," Kurt whispered. "That doesn't mean we're not okay though, Dave."
Dave glared at Kurt, but it fell short and became a tearful glance that was begging for help. "You're okay Kurt…you're perfect…you're worth so much and you're going to do so much. I can't…I can't be anything. I mean it…I can't…graduating high school is as far as I'm going to go for accomplishment and my…my desire to do anything has just…gone out the window and I can't."
Dave's repetition of 'I can't' was a painful mantra that made Kurt's chest clench. Dave was so scared all of a sudden. "You should just get back with Blaine. He's not damaged."
Kurt took off his own jacket and crawled closer to Dave, wrapping both arms around him and hugging him tightly, forcing the bigger boy to sit up. When Dave did, Kurt leaned up against his neck and pressed a light kiss to the exposed skin there. "Blaine's damaged in his own ways," he assured Dave with a nervous chuckle but the attempt to lighten the terrible mood fell flat. "I love you David. I love you with all of my heart and you're anything but worthless. The bastard who did this to you put this in your head. I got that feeling down there but I couldn't do anything. I can now…"
Kurt hummed a low tune, singing wordlessly to his boyfriend. It reminded him of the first time he knew their captor had sexually assaulted Dave. That day he had pulled David into his arms and held him tight, singing to him until he fell asleep. It was all he had been able to do, because inwardly he knew what had happened to Dave, and he never felt so helpless.
"You're perfect Kurt…everything about you…"
"Shh shh…" Kurt whispered in between his soft melody. "David, stop raising me up…I'm human. I'm not perfect. But together we might be something close to it, yeah?"