Title: Ba-Bad Romance
Author: deeniebee (deeniebee28 on ff.net or AO3)
Rating: M
Chapter: 1/1
Word count:
Pairing: Kurtofsky
Spoilers: Canon from Season 1 to "Theatricality" of Season 1.
Warnings/Triggers: DubCon, Use of Gay Slurs
Summary: For a prompt on the Glee Kink Meme Prompt Post #12: Dave catches Kurt alone in his Lady Gaga outfit and gets personally affronted about said outfit- cue arguing, stripping, fighting, and desperate, angry sex!
Fic: Ba-Bad Romance on FF.netFic Ba-Bad Romance on AO3 MODS: Can I get an author tag please? (it's my second story posted ^_^)