Podfic version of 'Hand in Glove' by louisestrange

Dec 22, 2011 23:17

Title: Hand in Glove
Author: louisestrange
Reader: maryaminx
Fandom: Glee
Pairing: Kurt Hummel/Dave Karofsky
Rating: M
Format: mp3, Size: 40 MB, Running Time: 43:41
Summary: Just when Dave thinks he might, finally, be getting over Kurt Hummel, who walks into Scandals on a Friday night and changes everything? Yep, Kurt f***ing Hummel.
Note: Contains musical clips. I will upload a music-free version upon request.

A/N: I'm so excited that this exists! Please download and leave feedback - there will (hopefully) be a podfic version of the sequel, This Charming Man, soon, too!

Download link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=I7V0ICSZ

ship: dave/kurt, author: louisestrange, fanfiction: complete, fanfiction, podfic

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