Title: The Everything I Need to Do Before I Come Out to Everyone and Ask Kurt to Be My Boyfriend Plan
ibeamazinPairing(s); Character(s): Blaine/Kurt, Dave/Kurt*; Azimio, Finn, Santana
Rating: PG-13 (subject to change)
Word Count: 17,500~
Disclainer: I do not own Glee in any way or make money off of this.
Summary: Set during 2x22 and onwards: Dave promised himself two things before he graduated: one, that he would come out, and two, that Kurt Hummel would be his boyfriend. He comes up with a plan of sorts (well, more like an order of events he has to follow) to help him do just that.
A/N: By the time season three comes around, this'll be completely AU. The very very very start of this fic takes place after New Directions comes back from NYC and before Klaine has their coffee date.
~le Chapter 7