Title: On The Outside
Rating: NC-17
asspornCategory: Slash
Genre(s): Canon, Romance, Humor, Angst, Drama, Fluff
Pairing(s): Dave/Kurt, Sam/Blaine, Santana/Brittany, Artie/Tina, Mike/Tina, Puck/Lauren, Rachel/Finn
Warnings: None
Spoilers: The story starts at 'Prom Queen' - the hallway apology scene between Kurt and Dave never happened, the apology that Dave gave the Glee Club was only in this universe Kurt was already back so that's the apology he got as well. The rest of the story is my own version of events.
Word Count: 46,926
Summary: The thing is, Dave is getting tired and he thinks it would be easier if he just became invisible. But of course, it's Prom night and there's the usual High School drama and everything that comes after that. In between his fake relationship with Santana, Glee club drama, threesome propositions and a knack for coming out without meaning to, staying invisble is not an easy task for Dave Karofsky.
Notes: This was written for the
kurtofskybigbang - just posting it on LJ now.