So this has been eating at me. When I first wrote it, I wrote it as android!artie, which still might happen but I dunno, if it follows this route, then if I ever continue it, then it would probably really angsty and while angst is good, even I don't know if i could handle the woes of human!kurt and android!dave. I just wanted to share this with you even if I'm unsure if I plan on continuing it. I could though, make artie the android, dave the mechanic and make it funny but I dont know.
Title; It's titled on my worddoc as "The SS. Elizabeth."
Genre; general, steampunk
Ratings; I dunno. G?
Pairings; technically none but if continued it would be kurtofsky with light britana, and i'm leaning puckleberry/finchel fiasco if I introduce Rachel.
Word count; 1133
The gears started cranking, shifting, grinding. A hit with a wrench and a frustrated heavy kick with a boot sent everything back into rotation, and the mechanics sprang to life, jerking about for a moment, then the machine sputtered for moment. The clicking stopped and the clockwork returned to normal, the machine unmoving. The wrench holder grunted, annoyed with the android, and pushed his battered goggles up onto his head. He dug around in the pockets of his faded ,navy jumper, upper half tied around his waist revealing a messy, tattered tank, and pulled a kerchief out of his pocket, replacing the sweat on his forehead with a streak of dirt and grease. He cleared his throat, clearly aggravated with his luck that day, replaced the cloth back into his pocket. He shuffled forward, and shut the door to the cogs, releasing the android from it’s mechanic coma.
The droid awoke, it’s smooth silver skeleton shifting while it ran diagnostics and tested joints and movements. Jerky sounds started to be formed, softly at first, but still unknown. The mechanic sighed and mumbled to himself about faulty engineering. The machine halted speech testing and resumed the configuration of walking, everything else seemed functional. Aside from speech. The mechanic groaned and lifted a heavy, large wrench from the toolbox near the wall, and with a muted thunk, hit the android upside the head. The hard metal skull of the head was too strong to be dented, but the mechanic hoped his hit was strong enough to knock whatever was wrong back into place. The android’s head jerked, and it’s eyes rolled back momentarily. The mechanic stood a few feet away, silent as the android started to stutter out full, coherent words. He let out his breath as the droid faced him, and with a soft feminine voice, thanked him. The mechanic nodded gruffly, muttering something about skin and left the room, beckoning a crewmate to take his spot.
The blonde girl smiled brightly. “Good morning, you.” The young one said bubbly, pulling out a satchel that one would assume from the mechanics mutterings, contained the skin. The android, dubbed Dave by the ship, attempted a smiled and returned the greetings. The girl smiled again, and kneeled on to the floor in one hand the skin and the other a leg. She slowly started pulling the skin up Dave’s cold, metal body. The skin, made of the best mixture of latex, plastic, and a mass of unknown products, was amazingly stretchy and versatile. “We got this for cheap.” The girl said, smiling, pressing the skin into it’s latches around Dave’s mouth, ears, and eyes. “Look at how pretty you are.” she said, sealing the skin’s slit down the back. ‘It actually feels pretty warm too! Oh that‘s so weird! I wanna be a robot.” She pouted softly. The young girl clapped her hands together. ‘Oooh I’m so excited! We have a wig and clothes for you too! You’re going to look like a real boy!” She exclaimed happily as she left the room with a skip.
Dave brought a hand up to eye level, carefully inspecting the folds and the nails. His, as it was common practice to use the gender pronouns that are associated with the androids skin set, databases told him that it was normal to feel odd at first. The skin suit was modeled to mute the noises that were all to common with his kind. He moved over to the covered mirror and removed the blanket. Dave pressed his face against the reflective surface, examining his face. He pressed a finger against his cheek, then to his forehead. His lips, his chin. He stepped back and focused on the rest of his anatomy. An hand shifting from one spot to the next, touching everything. A voice cleared itself form the door way, and the android turned around, eyes wide. “I was.. I mean… I..”
“It’s amazing. The human body.” The tall, dark lady said slowly. “I’m jealous.” she said, standing next to the mechanical man. “To have such soft,” she softly ran a finger down Dave’s arm, “such pale skin.” He jumped at the woman’s touch. And quickly backed away. “But, we all deal with what we have.” she smiled and placed her bags on the table. “I am here to make you pretty. I come with gifts.” She pulled out two wigs. One long, sleek and black, and one short, masculine and mousey brown “Pick one.” Dave shuffled near the woman, his eyes resting the brown. His database told him it was a wiser choice to chose the short one, more common for men.. The woman smiled, “Damn, really wanted to see you in the long one.” She returned the other wig to the bag, and placed the brown one on the table. “Let’s see… obviously the boss isn‘t going to allow me to dress you like a woman so here, slacks, boots and a shirt. Good enough..” The shadowed woman pulled a pair of britches, a loose shirt, and a pair of worn shoes from her bag. “As we travel you’ll surely find better clothes. Budget is tight at the moment.” she smirked and handed the clothes with some added items to Dave. “Those undergarments, you don’t need them. But it’s added protection from any possible dangers. You can dress yourself?” Dave blinked, unknowing. The lady sighed and roughly dressed the android, trying not to make any lewd comments, securing the wig on last. “Well,” she said mussing the droids hair, “This will do. When you start knowing what you like and what not, you can change it at your will. If you need help, us three are able to help. The captain is… well only smart in knowing which way to go and when to shoot. You didn’t meet him. He’s known as Finn. Tall, dumb man. Has a fondness for frilly shirts though. Another one you haven’t met is ol’ capi-tan’s brother, Kurt. Kurt does whatever he wants, normally witty comebacks. The cranky mechanic can help with your insides, he’s slow to talk. A mumbler. Puck we call him. The second one you met, the really, and my really I mean she might annoy you, cheery girl, she’s good at everything. She’s our sneak. Really good at playing up the cuteness factor. She’s Brittany. And she‘s my best friend so don‘t. Touch. Her.. And I… well I’m here to be pretty. That’s my job. I‘m the one who navigates though. Finn tells me where to go and I point the ship” She smiled. “I’m Santana. Call me.. Aunty Tana.” She opened the door revealing the crew standing. The captain uptight, Brittany waving and smiling, Dave staring blankly. “Welcome to our ship, to home, and to the crew, Dave.”