Title: Perdition, Purgartory, Poenitentia
countrygirl_914Pairing, Character(s): Kurt, Karofsky. (...Kurt/Karofsky? Kind of?)
Rating: T
Word Count: ~1100 this chapter
Spoilers: AU after A Very Glee Christmas.
Summary: When the world goes to hell, Kurt decides to stick with the devil he knows.
A/N: I have literally had the idea for this story since last year, but life conspired against me. At least I got the first chapter out (barely) before season three.
Not a zombie fic, kind of an apocalypse fic, but not really? I really have no clue what genre to put this story in. Hurt/comfort, friendship, and maybe romance would be my best guesses. You tell me. I just hope you enjoy. Like the warning says, this takes place sometime after last season's Christmas episode.
Chaos came on a typical Friday.