I was pretty *sure* I posted this months ago when I wrote it but I looked back today and I didn't see it soooo.
If you follow me on tumblr, accio-maxadler (I was adlergasm when I posted this there I believe), then you may have read it back when I posted it.
Title- Always
Summery- A night in the park isn't so easy at first.
rating- dude there is nothing. so like, i dont know. i'm a video game that's e for everyone. It's just fluffygoodness.
It was just a simple gesture. All Kurt did was rub Dave's back and the tears arose from the depths of his soul again. This wasn't like crying in school. Dave didn't allow himself more than a few tears that day in the hallway. But sitting here, after dark with Kurt in the park, broke everything down. Dave sat there, mumbling "I'm sorry", his palms pressed up against his eyes, willing the tears to stop.
The past few months were a whirlwind, and Kurt understood that, so he just let Dave be. Rubbing soft circles on his back until he calmed down. Dave had been working hard. He was at the point where he could look at himself in the mirror, smile and say, "My name is Dave Karofsky. And I like dudes." Kurt had tried getting him to say "men", on many occasions, but had settled because at least he said it. Even Kurt and Dave's friendship had grown. When Blaine inexplicably broke up with Kurt, It was Dave's number he dialed. Dave's house that he showed up to, crying. Dave's arms who held him until the choking sobs settled down. Dave's tv that they watched horrible 3am infomercials on.
Dave's chest he fell asleep against.
"I tried so hard to make everything right again. I'm so sorry."
"I know you are. You keep saying that. You've said that for a while."
"It doesn't mean I mean it any less." And then he chuckled. More like a breath that had dreams of being a chuckle. He rubbed his eyes, tiredness creeping in again. "I wanna say 'thank you' though. If I were you, I wouldn't… have made things so easy to forgive you." His eyes darted to Kurt and then back to the ground. "Sor-… I mean… I'm being stupid right now." Dave went silent again, his mind racing.
"I know how we can break the awkwardness," Kurt smiled and clapped his hands together. Not even waiting for Dave's response. "Let's tell each other our darkest secrets. I'll go first," he cleared his throat. "I'm in love," and Dave's heart sank. "He's perfect. Tall. Handsome. Arms to die for. Strong too. He's sweet. Always there when I need him, and that's including 3am thunderstorms when I get a little freaked out. He always tries to respond to my texts." Kurt's eyes went from Dave to the stars as he continued. "When he smiles, it feels like it's only me and him. And I get this weird jello feeling in my stomach. And his eyes. Don't get me started. It's hard talk to him face to face because all I see are his eyes and they're just so.. So pure. He's so beautiful. I just wish he could see it." Dave swallowed and Kurt's gaze returned back to Dave. "I wish you could see it." he added quietly.
Dave's brow wrinkled as his head moved to look at Kurt directly. "Wh..." he trailed off and his eyes met the ground, thoughts darting around his mind.
"It's been building for a while. It wasn't sudden. I mean when it hit me it just… explained everything. Normally when I fall in love it's immediate. But it was a slow pressure, building up. But if you don't like me that's ok. I'll try not to- Oh I don't even know what I'm trying to say. But I love you, Dave. I love you." But Dave was silent.
That is until Kurt felt awkward and shuffled in his spot.
That's when Dave's hand found it's way to Kurt's wrist.
And then his lips to Kurt's.
"I've always loved you."