Title: Who Said Anything About Falling In Love
lealpotter Pairing: Kurtofsky
Genre: Romance/Angst
Rating: PG-13
Summary: David Karofsky dutifully kept up with his Bully Whips responsibilities after the Prom Disaster. Nothing said anything about a flirty friendly frustrating lunch, but Kurt Hummel never cared much about rules. After-Prom Kurtofsky.
Author's Notes: After skirting away from writing any kind of Glee!fics, I finally caved and wrote Kurtofsky. Of course. This will maybe become a multi-chaptered fic; if it does, it will definitely have an NC-17 rated sequel, because I wanted to make this a semi-friendship-growing-into-romance thing but wanted to keep the smut out. Title stolen from "Who Said Anything About Falling In Love", by the Hoosiers.
This Is My Mistake