I too am a Klaine/Kuvid fan. This is in fact a very new experience for me because I'm usually passionately attached to one ship in a fandom and respectfully disagree with all opposition :D (that or I don't care so much about the ships as much as the story so I just go along with it and just have fun on the ride i.e. Harry Potter).
Typically Kuvid would be the kind of ship my heart goes out for (and the only Glee fics I really read are Kuvid ones), because David's a redemption character and they get my vote every time. On the other hand Klaine has Darren Criss! True Blaine isn't as interesting or as lovable of a character as Dave but he is interesting and Kurt loves him and therefore so do I (and the only Glee vids I really go searching for and love the most are Klaine ones).
Technically I loved Klaine first because the second Blaine started singing and I realized he was Darren Criss with a haircut I was OMSG YES! Then the Kuvid kiss happened and I was o_0... Now I am torn! The death threat did turn me off it for awhile (I've had enough of high school death threats and I now take them very seriously) but then this drawing: http://kemokage.deviantart.com/favourites/#/d37ni01 and the superbowl episode brought me back around so now my love for it is just as strong as ever.
But yeah in the end Kurt + Happiness = my OTP so no matter who Kurt winds up with as long as he loves him and the guy loves him back and Kurt's completely, and perfectly, and incandescently happy (cookie if you immediately get the reference) I'm good.
Actually (shamefully) I never saw AVPM, etc. so the first time time I ever saw DC was in the NBK episode where he did, indeed, blow my bobby socks away during TD (along with Kurt's heart). And then everything that happened through AVGC, either in conversation or through song, convinced me that they were perfect together b'c CC & DC have chemistry that singes the TV screen. (I.e., See BICO and/or Klaine kiss and then throw your electronic device away as it has been permanently damaged...)
However, then for their own purposes, TPTB decided that they had not laid out the relationship correctly and so, following the hiatus, they slowly but surely took away everything that had been good about the couple -- the original UST, Blaine's immediate attraction to Kurt, Blaine's constant calling Kurt up on what would otherwise be called dates, Blaine's blatant, fragrant flirting w' Kurt in person & in song -- and told us (the audience) and Kurt that it was all made up in our heads. They had Blaine fall madly in love w' someone in a manner that made Kurt's infatuation w' Finn look mature in comparison, they had Blaine declare that he was suddenly unsure about his sexuality b'c of a drunken kiss during Spin the Bottle (and then, miraculously, that was cleared up by one sober kiss by one girl apparently for the rest of his natural existence), they had Blaine accept a date with Rachel (one of Kurt's good GIRLfriends, right in front of Kurt, after knowing how Kurt felt about him, then supposedly not understand when Kurt got upset following this incident), they had Blaine agree with Kurt that he had all the sex appeal of a baby penguin, and then had him go to Kurt's dad and basically tell him that his son was in danger of imminently going to a party, getting drunk, fooling around with a stranger and likely catching some sort of STD (based, apparently, on the fact that Kurt, one, didn't want to talk about sex w' the guy with whom he had a crush, two, told Blaine that he thought the height of sexuality was the brush of someone's fingertips, and three, has never touched a drop of alcohol in all the time that Blaine has known him.)
Before OS, I had decided that if Blaine were to die in a fiery airplane crash, I wouldn't much care. (Except that Kurt might be unhappy.) I was hoping at that point that either one of the Dalton boys would throw themselves at Kurt's feet and/or Kurt would miraculously go back to McKinley (I don't know how) and either some random boy would come out based solely on the wonderfulness that is Kurt (I mean, really!!) or Sam/somebody would have to realize that they were actually bisexual (based on NOTHING that had happened previously on Glee) so that Kurt could have a BF.
However, during OS, I was sold on the 'Kurt behaves as himself' concept and snatched Blaine: i.e., is snarky, dresses Kurt-esque, sings like Kurt and POW! Blaine's realization that everything he has ever wanted in life is right in front of his eyes b'c the scene between the two boys blew my mind (see earlier Klaine kiss above).
Kurt's scenes with Dave, OTOH, while definitely crackling with energy (Max Adler is GOOD!!) perhaps impressed me more than the writers had hoped b'c by the end of Furt, I was convinced that Kurt was imminently in danger of being raped by Dave if set off by some sort of anger issue. Not killed, but definitely sexually assaulted, and I did not like the concept (who would?!)
Yes, the writers are clearly going for a Dave redemption storyline -- it's just that b'c the writers went so far with the creepiness, for ME, they would have to work pretty damn hard to make me believe that Kurt wants to be friends, let alone date someone who threatened his life. And because they made Dave's storyline interesting, I'd rather they stretch that along for a longer period of time, going into his demons, not having him do a 180 degree flip (when that would be completely unbelievable), and maybe sometime in season three, they could start up some sort of romance when it would actually make sense. IMHO.
And that would give Max Adler a lot more screen time. Which I'm assuming MA fans would prefer (I could be wrong...)
Hell yes we'd prefer it! I can't believe that Dave hasn't shown up once since the superbowl episode. Is it too much to ask that he simply walk by in the hallways? I don't even care if he took a step back by shoving or slushing somebody (which at least we know he's going to be doing in the next episode if nothing else) so long as he's there. I've got my fingers crossed for Dave showing up in pretty much every episode until the finale, bonus points if he gets an entire solo or finally joins ND.
I agree with your assessment of what the writers did to Blaine's character. I do appreciate the fact that it took sometime for Kurt and Blaine to build a relationship instead of just jumping right into it, but still. I do like however the fact that we got to see a bit more of Blaine's vulnerability and imperfections in the last couple of episodes. That was much needed character expansion in my opinion. Now though with that incredibly passionate, searing, and groundbreaking kiss, if Klaine keeps up its current amazingness and episodes continue to include their squee-tastic moments I will never say a bad word about Blaine again.
Yes, the writers are clearly going for a Dave redemption storyline -- it's just that b'c the writers went so far with the creepiness, for ME, they would have to work pretty damn hard to make me believe that Kurt wants to be friends, let alone date someone who threatened his life. And because they made Dave's storyline interesting, I'd rather they stretch that along for a longer period of time, going into his demons, not having him do a 180 degree flip (when that would be completely unbelievable), and maybe sometime in season three, they could start up some sort of romance when it would actually make sense. IMHO.
And that would give Max Adler a lot more screen time. Which I'm assuming MA fans would prefer
Ugh, I actually haven't been exposing myself to spoilers much in the past few weeks. But, I am soooooo afraid that the 180 degree flip will happen by the end of the Born This Way episode. The Figgins/Dave/anti-bullying crusade rumor? Gag me. I mean, I'm side-eying the fact that it seems (to me) like Born This Way will be sung and put on for/about/because of Dave OR that he might be in that performance...lolwat? OOC for Dave and OOC for New Directions period, IMO. Too much, too soon, too fast. I'm sure I'll enjoy it, whatever may happen, but still.
in the end Kurt + Happiness = my OTP so no matter who Kurt winds up with as long as he loves him and the guy loves him back and Kurt's completely, and perfectly, and incandescently happy
Don't know 'cookie' reference. (Loved the cartoon!!)
The reference was the last lines of the Keira Knightley Pride and Prejudice movie, which is one of my favs and in my opinion (and I say this as a Jane Austen fan) is the first and probably only time in the history of forever that the movie actually improves on the original story. *hides blunt objects*
Yes I do love that cartoon and that vid is great, very Kurt appropriate.
The reference was the last lines of the Keira Knightley Pride and Prejudice movie, which is one of my favs and in my opinion (and I say this as a Jane Austen fan) is the first and probably only time in the history of forever that the movie actually improves on the original story. *hides blunt objects*
As both an English major and movie lover, I would have to say that you have (sadly) missed the mark with the Keira Knightley P&P version -- clearly, the A&E Presentation of Pride and Prejudice with Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle is superior.
However, b'c I am a nice person, I will agree to disagree on that issue (altho, really, Colin Firth!! come on!!)
Then again, on a similar issue, I might be the only person on earth who thinks that the novel Gone With the Wind is preferable to the movie.
To each his own.
My sister expects me to babysit next Tuesday night. If I didn't love my nephew so much, I might have to tell her where she could stuff her babysitting expectations (what has it been -- 5, 6 weeks since the last episode? It's like God is trying to tell me that REAL LIFE is more important than TV -- so irritating...)
Murphy's Law -- this will be the night that my DVR doesn't actually work...
While I did love Colin Firth in that movie (and yes in my mind he is the perfect Mr. Darcy), he was the only thing good about it in my mind. All of the other actors constantly got on my nerves although the girl playing Elizabeth was passable and really the entire movie came across to me as one of those movies that simply try to stuff as much of the original material as possible into it because it's such a classic with complete disregard for what works well as a movie and what does not, so in the end the whole thing comes across less as a good movie and more as an audio book with visuals. I realize I may be coming across a little harsh and I just want to say that I have complete respect for your opinions and I know that opinions on the whole thing is not the norm nor does it fit in with the general consensus.
When it comes to the book Pride and Prejudice, I feel as though Jane Austen hadn't yet matured or was as refined in her writing style as she was in her later books (Mansfield Park is my favorite and movies constantly get that book wrong). Pride and Prejudice was technically the first real story she ever wrote although not the first published and I think that shows. The story is great and probably the best she came up with which is why I so dearly wish that she had written it last. Darcy and Elizabeth are amazing characters completely fleshed out and well developed, however all other characters are basically 2D and the relationship between Lizzie and Jane seems far too perfect. The movie fixes that issue completely and every single character is multi-faceted and memorable (with the possible exception of Wickham and I could care less about him) and I notice a different side to at least one of them every time I watch the movie. The real brilliance of the movie is not what is said, but what isn't said and the insight you gain into the characters through a simple reading of the characters faces and body language.
I have never read the book Gone with the Wind, but when I do I will probably agree with you because I hated the movie and can never get over how offensive it is with its racism and sexism.
I am sorry to hear about your tragedy with babysitting. Can you not watch the show with your nephew? This could be your chance to hook him while he's young. If not then I guess you can always watch it online later. I'm lucky because for once I don't have to do running crew for theater on Tuesday which I have been doing this entire week and will be doing for most of next week, but not Tuesday! For once I get a lucky break.
You know, I used to love the movie The Philadelphia Story until i realized/recognized that the father in that movie was basically blaming his adultery on the fact that his daughter didn't pay him enough attention. Then I stopped being able to watch it which is a shame b'c Jimmy Stewart is one of my favorite actors... (You made me think of that with your comment about Gone With the Wind.)
My nephew turned two on April Fool's Day (funny birthday!!) and his style of doing anything with his Auntie Pam is basically shrieking at the top of his lungs something incomprehensible (b'c he only has about 50 or so English words) and the rest is either Japanese or Cantonese or some sort of tribal language never b'4 heard in the United States. (I'm just kidding -- I have no idea what he's saying -- he just babbles away constantly and I pretend to understand and he continues and continues and I dread when he REALLY starts speaking English b'c apparently he will talk NONSTOP for HOURS AT A TIME.
You can not watch TV while Jonathan is awake. Other than Diego or Dora. Or a video of Green Eggs and Ham.
The only thing that worries me about Jonathan's upbringing is that I was babysitting him when BICO came out (my sister is a single working mom so I babysit a lot) and, OF COURSE, I watched the video many times, including w' Jonathan, and Carolyn came home and saw that we were watching this and told me not to let him watch that b'c it might 'give him ideas'. And I thought what ideas could a video of two boys singing give a 19 month old toddler? Did she actually think watching two boys sing would 'turn' her son gay? Or that it would matter? (B'c she's a liberal Democrat and I assumed, up until that moment, that she was totally normal about these matters.) But apparently not.
So I'm going to have to teach Jonathan tolerance and acceptance on a larger scale and sneak him peaks of what the real world is like. Just because.
And yeah, I will have to watch Glee later or the next day. *sobs uncontrollably* I'm not as lucky as you...
``As both an English major and movie lover, I would have to say that you have (sadly) missed the mark with the Keira Knightley P&P version -- clearly, the A&E Presentation of Pride and Prejudice with Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle is superior.``
You`re right on the money, BBC version FTW! Colin Firth is a god among men, P&P started it and The Kings Speech made it official. :D
Despite my misgivings on the A&E P&P I do love Colin Firth sooooo much. I sometimes wish that Love Actually was just about his story. He is perfect as Mr. Darcy a role that he got to play twice with Bridget Jones' Diary. God I love that movie, it was the first rated R movie my mom ever let me watch (I think she just knew that she had no right to deprive me of watching that one and this is from the woman who wouldn't let me watch Looney Tunes as a kid because it was too violent).
Typically Kuvid would be the kind of ship my heart goes out for (and the only Glee fics I really read are Kuvid ones), because David's a redemption character and they get my vote every time. On the other hand Klaine has Darren Criss! True Blaine isn't as interesting or as lovable of a character as Dave but he is interesting and Kurt loves him and therefore so do I (and the only Glee vids I really go searching for and love the most are Klaine ones).
Technically I loved Klaine first because the second Blaine started singing and I realized he was Darren Criss with a haircut I was OMSG YES! Then the Kuvid kiss happened and I was o_0... Now I am torn! The death threat did turn me off it for awhile (I've had enough of high school death threats and I now take them very seriously) but then this drawing: http://kemokage.deviantart.com/favourites/#/d37ni01 and the superbowl episode brought me back around so now my love for it is just as strong as ever.
But yeah in the end Kurt + Happiness = my OTP so no matter who Kurt winds up with as long as he loves him and the guy loves him back and Kurt's completely, and perfectly, and incandescently happy (cookie if you immediately get the reference) I'm good.
However, then for their own purposes, TPTB decided that they had not laid out the relationship correctly and so, following the hiatus, they slowly but surely took away everything that had been good about the couple -- the original UST, Blaine's immediate attraction to Kurt, Blaine's constant calling Kurt up on what would otherwise be called dates, Blaine's blatant, fragrant flirting w' Kurt in person & in song -- and told us (the audience) and Kurt that it was all made up in our heads. They had Blaine fall madly in love w' someone in a manner that made Kurt's infatuation w' Finn look mature in comparison, they had Blaine declare that he was suddenly unsure about his sexuality b'c of a drunken kiss during Spin the Bottle (and then, miraculously, that was cleared up by one sober kiss by one girl apparently for the rest of his natural existence), they had Blaine accept a date with Rachel (one of Kurt's good GIRLfriends, right in front of Kurt, after knowing how Kurt felt about him, then supposedly not understand when Kurt got upset following this incident), they had Blaine agree with Kurt that he had all the sex appeal of a baby penguin, and then had him go to Kurt's dad and basically tell him that his son was in danger of imminently going to a party, getting drunk, fooling around with a stranger and likely catching some sort of STD (based, apparently, on the fact that Kurt, one, didn't want to talk about sex w' the guy with whom he had a crush, two, told Blaine that he thought the height of sexuality was the brush of someone's fingertips, and three, has never touched a drop of alcohol in all the time that Blaine has known him.)
Before OS, I had decided that if Blaine were to die in a fiery airplane crash, I wouldn't much care. (Except that Kurt might be unhappy.) I was hoping at that point that either one of the Dalton boys would throw themselves at Kurt's feet and/or Kurt would miraculously go back to McKinley (I don't know how) and either some random boy would come out based solely on the wonderfulness that is Kurt (I mean, really!!) or Sam/somebody would have to realize that they were actually bisexual (based on NOTHING that had happened previously on Glee) so that Kurt could have a BF.
However, during OS, I was sold on the 'Kurt behaves as himself' concept and snatched Blaine: i.e., is snarky, dresses Kurt-esque, sings like Kurt and POW! Blaine's realization that everything he has ever wanted in life is right in front of his eyes b'c the scene between the two boys blew my mind (see earlier Klaine kiss above).
Kurt's scenes with Dave, OTOH, while definitely crackling with energy (Max Adler is GOOD!!) perhaps impressed me more than the writers had hoped b'c by the end of Furt, I was convinced that Kurt was imminently in danger of being raped by Dave if set off by some sort of anger issue. Not killed, but definitely sexually assaulted, and I did not like the concept (who would?!)
Yes, the writers are clearly going for a Dave redemption storyline -- it's just that b'c the writers went so far with the creepiness, for ME, they would have to work pretty damn hard to make me believe that Kurt wants to be friends, let alone date someone who threatened his life. And because they made Dave's storyline interesting, I'd rather they stretch that along for a longer period of time, going into his demons, not having him do a 180 degree flip (when that would be completely unbelievable), and maybe sometime in season three, they could start up some sort of romance when it would actually make sense. IMHO.
And that would give Max Adler a lot more screen time. Which I'm assuming MA fans would prefer (I could be wrong...)
I agree with your assessment of what the writers did to Blaine's character. I do appreciate the fact that it took sometime for Kurt and Blaine to build a relationship instead of just jumping right into it, but still. I do like however the fact that we got to see a bit more of Blaine's vulnerability and imperfections in the last couple of episodes. That was much needed character expansion in my opinion. Now though with that incredibly passionate, searing, and groundbreaking kiss, if Klaine keeps up its current amazingness and episodes continue to include their squee-tastic moments I will never say a bad word about Blaine again.
And that would give Max Adler a lot more screen time. Which I'm assuming MA fans would prefer
Ugh, I actually haven't been exposing myself to spoilers much in the past few weeks. But, I am soooooo afraid that the 180 degree flip will happen by the end of the Born This Way episode. The Figgins/Dave/anti-bullying crusade rumor? Gag me. I mean, I'm side-eying the fact that it seems (to me) like Born This Way will be sung and put on for/about/because of Dave OR that he might be in that performance...lolwat? OOC for Dave and OOC for New Directions period, IMO. Too much, too soon, too fast. I'm sure I'll enjoy it, whatever may happen, but still.
Don't know 'cookie' reference. (Loved the cartoon!!)
Excellent Kurt Hummel video: Sexy, naughty, bitchy (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=znRj2yvD5a0) MUST SEE!!
Yes I do love that cartoon and that vid is great, very Kurt appropriate.
As both an English major and movie lover, I would have to say that you have (sadly) missed the mark with the Keira Knightley P&P version -- clearly, the A&E Presentation of Pride and Prejudice with Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle is superior.
However, b'c I am a nice person, I will agree to disagree on that issue (altho, really, Colin Firth!! come on!!)
Then again, on a similar issue, I might be the only person on earth who thinks that the novel Gone With the Wind is preferable to the movie.
To each his own.
My sister expects me to babysit next Tuesday night. If I didn't love my nephew so much, I might have to tell her where she could stuff her babysitting expectations (what has it been -- 5, 6 weeks since the last episode? It's like God is trying to tell me that REAL LIFE is more important than TV -- so irritating...)
Murphy's Law -- this will be the night that my DVR doesn't actually work...
When it comes to the book Pride and Prejudice, I feel as though Jane Austen hadn't yet matured or was as refined in her writing style as she was in her later books (Mansfield Park is my favorite and movies constantly get that book wrong). Pride and Prejudice was technically the first real story she ever wrote although not the first published and I think that shows. The story is great and probably the best she came up with which is why I so dearly wish that she had written it last. Darcy and Elizabeth are amazing characters completely fleshed out and well developed, however all other characters are basically 2D and the relationship between Lizzie and Jane seems far too perfect. The movie fixes that issue completely and every single character is multi-faceted and memorable (with the possible exception of Wickham and I could care less about him) and I notice a different side to at least one of them every time I watch the movie. The real brilliance of the movie is not what is said, but what isn't said and the insight you gain into the characters through a simple reading of the characters faces and body language.
I have never read the book Gone with the Wind, but when I do I will probably agree with you because I hated the movie and can never get over how offensive it is with its racism and sexism.
I am sorry to hear about your tragedy with babysitting. Can you not watch the show with your nephew? This could be your chance to hook him while he's young. If not then I guess you can always watch it online later. I'm lucky because for once I don't have to do running crew for theater on Tuesday which I have been doing this entire week and will be doing for most of next week, but not Tuesday! For once I get a lucky break.
My nephew turned two on April Fool's Day (funny birthday!!) and his style of doing anything with his Auntie Pam is basically shrieking at the top of his lungs something incomprehensible (b'c he only has about 50 or so English words) and the rest is either Japanese or Cantonese or some sort of tribal language never b'4 heard in the United States. (I'm just kidding -- I have no idea what he's saying -- he just babbles away constantly and I pretend to understand and he continues and continues and I dread when he REALLY starts speaking English b'c apparently he will talk NONSTOP for HOURS AT A TIME.
You can not watch TV while Jonathan is awake. Other than Diego or Dora. Or a video of Green Eggs and Ham.
The only thing that worries me about Jonathan's upbringing is that I was babysitting him when BICO came out (my sister is a single working mom so I babysit a lot) and, OF COURSE, I watched the video many times, including w' Jonathan, and Carolyn came home and saw that we were watching this and told me not to let him watch that b'c it might 'give him ideas'. And I thought what ideas could a video of two boys singing give a 19 month old toddler? Did she actually think watching two boys sing would 'turn' her son gay? Or that it would matter? (B'c she's a liberal Democrat and I assumed, up until that moment, that she was totally normal about these matters.) But apparently not.
So I'm going to have to teach Jonathan tolerance and acceptance on a larger scale and sneak him peaks of what the real world is like. Just because.
And yeah, I will have to watch Glee later or the next day. *sobs uncontrollably* I'm not as lucky as you...
You`re right on the money, BBC version FTW! Colin Firth is a god among men, P&P started it and The Kings Speech made it official. :D
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