Title: Roomies
Chapter: 4/?
Author: lonegungal17
Rating: R
Pairings/Characters: Kurt Hummel & Dave Karofsky
(Mentions of Finn & Rachel, Lauren & Puck, Blaine & Wes, Blaine & Kurt, Karofsky & Santana, Santana & Brittany)
Word Count: 1049/ 4,190 overall
Spoilers/Warnings: All episodes up to Original Song
Summary: Kurt learns Sue Sylvester is a powerful enemy when she forces Karofsky and him to be roommates at nationals.
Kurt followed his step brother down the cramped aisle of the plane, ‘Where are we sitting?’ Kurt asked the football player.
Finn stuffed Coach Sylvester’s bag in the overhead bin above Mr. Schue before looking at his ticket. ‘I’m in row 16, seat H, are you G?’ Finn asked heading back towards his seat in row 16.
Kurt glanced down at his ticket cursing himself for not checking earlier. He had assumed he’d be sat next to his step brother but he was in the next row, ‘No, Finn I’m over here in 17 A,’ Kurt told him making his way to the seat on the opposite side of the plane and carefully pushing his red suitcase into the overhead bin.
Finn shrugged at his brother, ‘At least I won’t have to fight you for the window seat’ he told him as he sat down in his seat and Quinn joined him in the aisle seat.
Kurt collapsed into his seat pushing his messager bag under it as he watched the other glee kids board the plane.
Artie and Mr. Schue had already boarded the plane earlier and were on opposite sides of the plane. Kurt could hear the hum of Artie’s headphones from the seat in front of him as he played with his Nintendo DS while they waited for the other Glee kids to board the plane.
Rachel, Mike, Tina and Sam took the middle seats in row 16.
Kurt couldn’t help himself from laughing when Rachel sat down in her seat squealing excitingly, ‘I can’t believe we’re going to New York!’
She sat on the edge of her seat and pointed at Kurt, ‘I can’t wait to see Wicked on Broadway finally!’
Kurt patted his messager bag under his seat, ‘Got the tickets, right here.’
‘Wicked will be an excellent way to celebrate our victory over Vocal Adrenaline,’ Rachel smiled and sat back in her seat as more people started to come down the aisle.
Mercedes passed him giving him a small shrug as she settled in an aisle seat a few rows back.
Puck and Lauren held hands as they took the middle seats closest to Mr. Schue.
Coach Sylvester pushed pass Will to get to her seat as she warned, ‘I don’t want to hear one word from your butt chin for the rest of the flight,’ before sitting down next to him in the window seat and covering her eyes with a black sleep mask that read, ‘Shut your trap or die.’
Then Kurt’s heart stopped as the lying cheating bastard called Blaine stopped next to his empty aisle seat.
The curly haired boy flashed him his million dollar smile and whispered, ‘Hey Kurt.’
Kurt shivered and he wanted to scream, ‘No,’ as he watched the former prep school student push his bag into the overhead bin above his head.
No way was he going to sit next to someone that had cheated on him after only a month of dating. Blaine had been lucky Kurt had been too worried about his own reputation to tell anyone but Mercedes about the night he found Blaine between Wes’s legs. Kurt felt ill thinking about it but his cheeks turned red as anger pulsed through them once again.
He hated Blaine with his stupid apologetic smile he’d flashed whenever he did something wrong. He hated how Blaine had pretended it was Kurt’s fault for being upset. He couldn’t believe the Warbler had the balls to say, ‘they had never agreed to date exclusively.’ He hated that the cheater found the need to pretend they were still friends and rub his happy relationship with Wes in Kurt’s face. Of course he had always half expected the other glee members to figure it out on their own. He was surprised when only Mercedes came to comfort him after the break up. After all less than a week after they had transferred together as a couple Kurt wouldn’t speak to him and cheater Blaine was dating the Warbler Wes instead. Surely someone else must have noticed!
Just as the first sounds of protest started to build in Kurt’s lungs he saw the other boy sit down in the seat next to Artie.
‘Thank gaga,’ he whispered to himself.
Kurt’s cheeks returned to normal as he saw his only “girlfriend” board the plane followed by Santana and Karofsky.
Karofsky was struggling to carry three bags down the aisle, ‘Santana’s got him whipped,’ Kurt giggled to himself.
Brittany waved at Kurt and sat down in the seat next to him, ‘Hey, cool scarf,’ she said touching the end of the red scarf wrapped around Kurt’s neck, ‘So soft.’
Kurt breathed a sigh of relief for a second at being seated next to the former cheerleader before Santana shouted, ‘Brits, your in seat D not B,’ as she pointed towards the middle seats.
The blonde giggled to herself, ‘I always get those letters mixed up,’ she admitted as she took the seat next to Puck.
Santana stood in the aisle with Karofsky as he glared at the full overhead bin above Kurt’s head, ‘Don’t people know you’re only supposed to use the space above your seat not everyone else’s?’ He said giving a pointed look toward Blaine.
Santana shrugged sitting down next to Brittany, ‘Dave, don’t hulk out over that idiot. Put all the bags in the bin above us there’s loads of room.’
Kurt couldn’t help his eyes from locking on Karofsky when he made a little grunt as he lifted the first suitcase. His eyes traced the other boy’s muscled arms and back as the muscles strained against his polo shirt to lift each bag into the overhead locker. For a moment he forgot who he was staring at as his eyes moved lower as Karofsky’s shirt rode up revealing a thin layer of skin between his shirt and jeans. Kurt’s eyes moved further still to the other boy’s loose fitting jeans that outlined his firm ass.
He blinked as he was brought back to the real world as Karofsky fell into the seat next to him and asked ‘How’s it hanging, Hummel?’
A/N: Plane layout:
Row 16: Artie Blaine Rachel Mike Tina Sam Quinn Finn
Row 17: Kurt Dave Santana Brittany Puck Lauren Will Sue
Row 20: Mercedes
Chapters 1-3 can be found here: