Title: These Lazy Days, or Darren Gets It Right
mintcloud Characters/Pairing: Chris Colfer/Max Adler; Darren Criss (Chris & Darren friendship)
Rating: T
Summary: In which Darren thinks he's Emma Woodhouse, and Chris and Max have the combined self-esteem of a paper sack.
Author's Note: So I had a random idea in which Darren likes playing matchmaker, and decides to do so for Chris. Running with the 'canon' assumption that Darren is both straight and a hopeless romantic, and mixing it with a few too many rounds of watching Romola Garai as Emma, gives me this. Kind of crackish, but definitely fun to write. (Making my Colfer/Adler debut - I can has author tag?)
Darren was just sure he was right about this one.)