Title: Towel Boy! (10/?)
tessisamess &
wherethewindFandom: Glee
Pairing: Dave Karofsky/Kurt Hummel
Rating: NC17
Word Count: 4,621 // 44,997 total
Warnings: Homophobia, RP-turned-fic, sexual themes, violence
Spoilers: Canon up to right before the death threat. Death threat and all the ensuing drama did not happen. Doesn't exist here.
Summary: Kurt starts a GSA. The only problem is, it isn't OK'd by the school, first. The GSA gets shut down, and Kurt's punishment? He's now the towel boy for the boys' sports teams. There's a ton of other plot (hell, it's 60k, of course there is) but that's the starter plot. The Kurtofsky aspect is surprisingly light on angst, the other aspects? Not so much. Oh, and it has our first version ever of Rossman in it.
A/N: So, this was originally just a private RP that Magz and I never had the intention of posting. So there may be some, er, liberties taken. If it's something huge that we forgot about, let us know. We'll probably fix it. Oh, and hockey is the canon of this fic because we started it before the football episode.
One: Hey! Towel Boy! Two: What Up, Fatty? Three: Growing Pains Four: Friends Like These... Five: Painkillers; Best Friend or Worst Enemy? Six: Try Not To Rip Those Stitches, Dear.
Seven: How To Teach Your Boyfriend French. Eight: The Black, Steel Elephant in the Room. Nine: Gee, Don't You Love The Holidays? Ten: How To Get A Cheerio To Keep Her Fat Mouth Shut.