Title: The Hazardous Zones of Young Gareki
Pairing: Hirato/Gareki crack
Warning: Hirato’s like 27, and apparently a covert pervert, while Gareki’s like 15, and like… 15
I wanted to write a fic wherein Gareki found himself in peril.
Sexy peril.
And by “young Gareki,” I don’t mean eight-year-old Gareki. I mean fifteen-year-old Gareki, who should likely exercise his liberties.
And by “liberties” I don’t mean…
Ah, screw it, just get your mind out of the gutters. Unless you click the cut of course; then cram your way back in. Unless you are interested in buying a mild dose of brain bleach thereafter from yours truly? 8D
I also have a more serious Gareki/Yogi fic upcoming. If you find the humor in this incomprehensible, try that one out instead, since one or the other tends to be received better in differing fandoms. Not that I mind~
Gareki finds himself in a suggestive predicament. )