The drama's over (for this winter)

Jan 22, 2009 10:57

Returning from my unannounced hiatus.

The last coupe of days/ weeks have left me with dozens of impressions and memories to treasure forever. I love my drama group. I love every single performance we do. And once again just sitting there and recalling incidents, stupid things, funny things that have occured, that people have done on stage. All performances were over-sold out. We let in more than we were allowed to, people were sitting on the stairs and standing in corners, lol. And still we had to sent some home. Jane Austen is muchly appreciated as it seems. (Even though many guys I know were pulling faces when I told them about our then up-coming play.)

And also, the notion that time flies and nothing stays the same forever, the way you learned to love it. Changes happen. This is how it will always be. The restless wandering of my childhood has maybe resulted in it, but I feel like I'm the person who stays, I feel like someone who watches others develop, someone who watches the changes, the seasons coming and going, soaks up the experience, and then let's go of it, and still remains in one place. There's something all too odd about that feeling.

Well, so here's another of those 1000 random things to do before you die:

Be part of something. Be part of a group, doing something that you enjoy, with people you like. It's easy as that and it makes incredibly happy.

1000 things to do before you die, why is this my life, theatre

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