Ich geb Dir was Dir fehlt...

Jul 21, 2013 23:18

Long time no see once again. Shit went down, things happened and keep happening. I left home, am staying at an acquaintance's while looking for my own place, which is harder than one should think, have now managed to get myself an apprentice position; apparently I can still talk to people and be convincing, and the fact that my cv is full of ( Read more... )

1000 things to do before you die, why is this my life, love is, *__*, bloody perfection, vampire stories, so cool!

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karneol_vision July 24 2013, 09:57:39 UTC
I'm very sorry I did not at least post some notice here, it's hard to grasp that anyone would actually wonder where one is if one doesn't show up every now and then. Which is weird since I've been worrying about people who disappeared a lot before. I hope I can be back in full force and do some catching up.. yeah, catching up seems to be all I ever do. I'm very very glad to hear from you :)

Oh, you poor thing! The American version... frankly, I don't know what you silly Americans have done to it, and I feel too chicken to look it up despite all those chagrined and appaled voices online of fans that mourn what seems to have happened there... so far I've kept having waking nightmares along the lines of 'and what if the Broadway version is not quite THAT different really and you people just don't get its appeal?! And maybe it's just us here who are weird!' Because the musical is a huge success here and in most places it has been, and people love it, and not without good reason if I may say so.
Well, what you're telling me does give a bit of perspective... uhm, Michael Crawford played the Count, right? So... no, that doesn't happen that way or any way... I could imagine that for Herbert, lol, but really, I just had too much coffee here - . -*

Truth is... it is a parody alright (I don't know if you have seen Roman Polanski's movie that has preceeded it), it is a musical so it has silly, funny moments, that's what musicals do, but it also has some good dramatic ones, and the music is not all laughs. Especially for the Count von Krolock, what with his 'Unstillbare Gier' song, yeah, sure it is your typical 'I'm a monster, and depressed about how I must destroy all I love and can never be really happy and alive', BUT it is also heartbreaking and desperate and not funny. And Good God! It is based on Meat Loaf's 'Objects in the rear view mirror may appear closer than they are' and if those chords and the sadness don't move you at least a little than you're not human... As in every piece of art, there is fragility in this play too, and hopefullness and tragedy and beauty, it's destruction of innocent romaticism and rethinking of ideas and conventions and ways of life, and bone deep honesty towards others and yourself... There's freedom out there but only if you're willing to go for it and pay the price, and it might not be pretty to open your eyes. And of course thus, its obvious kinship with The Rocky Horror Show cannot be denied when it comes to the statement and meaning of it all.


concupiscence66 July 25 2013, 00:15:34 UTC
We have a thing in America where everything must be able to "play in Peoria" as in it must be accessible to EVERYONE. By the time it is dumbed down for everyone, it's appealing to no one. I saw a traveling version of the show "Jeckyll and Hyde" and was in love. Then I saw it on Broadway and they had gotten rid of all the really dark humor, the darker sexuality and the moral ambiguity. It was an okay show, but it had lost everything that made it special. I'm sure the same thing happened to Dance of the Vampires. Of course, it bombed on Broadway, because the majority of Broadway fans aren't from tiny towns in the midwest. They're from New York and they want to see good theater!

I did miss you and worry about you. I didn't want to reach out while I was trying to find a big bang artist and just seem like I was worried about myself. I love your artwork, but I love you more! I'm glad you're back and I'm always eager to see your new drawings.


karneol_vision August 1 2013, 08:20:15 UTC
Ah, I heard about that phrase. It's sad if one feels the need to even out all uncomfortable and edges and spiky, nonconformist bits of weirdness to make anything appealing so it sells... And it strikes me as weird, because the underlying idea is somewhat more socialist in nature, though in a rather very negative sense. But I think I may also be making connections where there are none.

I wouldn't have thought you like me for my artwork only, lol, but I wouldn't have been able to do make anything anyway. I can't quite committ to much of partnerwork these days since my situation is a bit unstable, and I can never tell if there is the time or the space or the internet or anything else I might need. I mean there are always things that might tempt me to throw any precautions over board and just say, awesome let's do this, but yeah....
To be honest, I'm sorry I haven't been around for bigbangs etc, although from what I have seen that's been your luck, lol. I didn't have the time to read that story yet, but the artwork you got is exceptional and special, and very Mighty Boosh, which is something I know I'll simply never be able to, you know, be like or whatever. My art's just more traditionally, romantically, boringly whimsical x) Kitschy instead of cool. I can't leave that sphere. Thankfully TMB etc does provide space for that aswell.


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